My Party Places

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I have decided that I am going to send some of the designer bags to a consignment shop- at least I can share some of the good times I had.  I really want a new Chanel (of course not the one I have!)  Maybe when I feel better I will have a solid idea of what color to get (which will probably be black, like the one I already own!!!!!!!!!!!!)  I would love a pink one but it won't be practical enough for everyday.  What do you think - a practical bag that can go thru all the seasons - what is your 1st choice?

 Do you 'double clean'?  I have started using this method - I start with a facial cleansing cloth, like Pond's and then use the Clarisonic with Neutrogena's Ultra Gentle Daily Cleasner - it has a pump top which makes it so easy to use:

After having tried the face peel, I am seeing softer lines & am happy with the outcome -
I will definitely be trying it again! (the pict below has no make up!)
 I used the Organix Sea Mineral Shimmering Moisture on my hair & I love the soft shimmer it provides - the Coconut Water Hydration Oil is also very nice and I intend to store a back up of these products!  They will be great for summer or winter.
Do you have favorite summer hair products? What are your holy grails?
ETA:  I now have a link up list on the right side - this will make it easier to visit our favorite blogs.

Monday, April 28, 2014

I had some time to myself so I tried the 30% peel & I am very pleased.  Now, understand, my skin is used to retin A & 14% glycolic so my skin is not a newbie -  but my skin feels very soft & the smile lines look great. This is what I used:

Always check with your medical prof before trying something new.

Back pain is still a problem for me and I feel I am not getting anything done for spring cleaning - I will probably still be trying to complete it when fall rolls around!  And 1/3 of the year is already gone!!!!!  Time is going by too quickly & these 2 munchkins are growing far too quickly. They were here for Easter & I already miss them.
As it gets closer to the 80's here in the South, I am thinking about a light powder I can use when I just want to go out & do errands. Physicians Formula Mineral Wear with oxygen technology which also has SPF 20 is going to be my first winner.  There was a touch of shimmer on the top of the design but it brushed right off - I don't want shimmer all over my face.  It has a light texture & will be enough coverage to go to the grocery store:
Have you got a new discovery that you would like to share?  Let me know so I can give it a try!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I got a sample of the new perfume 'Dolce' from Dolce & Gabbana and it is Spring in a bottle!  It is a floral combination of white amaryllis & neroli and I thoroughly enjoy it!  Here is more info:
* Top notes: Neroli leaves, Papaya flower
* Heart notes: White Amaryllis, White Daffodil, White Water Lily
* Dry down notes: Cashmeran, Musky notes, Sandalwood

Dolce & Gabbana - Dolce
My Dr's appt got me another Dr's appt - the fun just keeps on coming!  Now the idea of sticking a needle in my back will not be a good time, but at least it's not a spinal tap!
If this does not qualify for an excuse to buy a new perfume, I don't know what will !
So you still have time to join this lovely group of ladies & have a chance to win a new eye shadow palette - just use the 'join' button on the right.  As a reminder, I can only mail within the US right now. As soon as my Dr. releases me, I will choose a lucky participant to win the eye shadow giveaway! (I have been stashing samples that will also be included )   I can't wait!!                                                                                                            

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I have been hesitant to use some of the facial oils that have come out but I am enjoying Peter Thomas Roth's Oilless Oil 100% Purified Squalane.  It absorbs quickly with no greasy feeling & goes on gently around the eye area.  Apparently it is made from sugarcane and is for all skin types.  It definitely adds light moisture with no shine.  I think this is a keeper.
I hope the weather is playing nice where you are - it is cold here today but we should have 70's again in a couple of days.  My 2 adorable grandchildren will be here for the weekend so there will be happy laughing, bubble baths and way too many treats!!

For the grandchildren

Pink and green sprinkled cupcakes 

And for me -
I could love these forever!!
 Bag L♡V£ / by Kim Russomanno Ryan

 By being yourself

I hope your weekend is wonderful! 
ETA: I am compiling a list of link ups & blog hops that I participate in but kindly give me some time as I am a daily migraineur & blogger is being very difficult!  Apparently adding a list is this side of rocket science!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Here are some products that I am loving;
Alpha Hydrox Intensive Serum with 14% glycolic aha is doing a good job of softening the  smile lines.  I have not had any sensitivity and I think I will get brave & try a 30% acid peel.

I also like the Alterna Caviar Anti-aging Hair Spray.  It is soft without heavy fragrance and the spray is very fine so you can't over concentrate the product in one area. It is easy to work with and I never leave the house without hair spray! is showcasing color this week & it made me remember shoes that I love & never wear!
The top pair are a great teal color - as much as I like these, I have not worn them in the past year so maybe it's time to let go.....I can always use more closet space!
I am off to visit &

Friday, April 4, 2014

Have mercy, he is gorgeous!!

Ok, on to the topics at hand!
 If you are a platinum member at Ulta, you can get 20% off currently.  I am getting ready to pull the trigger on my order which includes:   Strivectin,

And of course this favorite perfume:
2.5 oz Details-
"La vie est belle", a French expression meaning "Life is beautiful"; the manifesto of a new era. Universal yet personal, Lancome's femininity is a choice embraced by women, not an imposed standard. The choice to live one's life and fill it with beauty. Your own way.
  • Top Note: The elegance of Iris becomes the backbone of the fragrance. It blossoms from the first to the last note like never before
  • Middle Note: The strength of Patchouli gives strength and depth
  • Base Note: A sweet gourmand adds a burst of unexpected radiance                              I absolutely love this fragrance & can't wait for it to get here.  The only down side is that scent is a migraine trigger for me - but there is always pain meds!!!  Do find your signature fragrance & wear it all the time - you owe it to yourself!  It's time to put yourself first!!!!!!!!!!!            
Be Fearlessly Authentic

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Today is a very warm day here in the South and one of the most important things we can do to protect our skin is use BB cream - it comes in liquid or powder & I use it every time I go out:
(BB stands for beauty balm)
All of these have sunscreen which is important to use everyday.  I use these interchangeably after I have applied moisturizer.  You cannot go wrong with any of these, as I have sensitive skin & none of these products have caused me any trouble.
Please use something to protect your skin everyday - you will be glad you did!

Since the migraine has passed, I wanted to mention the color match technology that is available at Sephora.  There is no longer any reason to buy the wrong color of foundation.  Now, I personally prefer the Greensboro location & use Candace as my SA but I have not been to the W-S Sephora in a long time so it's possible things have changed there.  If you page down to older posts, I give more info about my experience with color matching when I went on a hot, muggy day and the results were wonderful.  Candace is a trained makeup professional & I always enjoy her company.