My Party Places

Monday, April 28, 2014

I had some time to myself so I tried the 30% peel & I am very pleased.  Now, understand, my skin is used to retin A & 14% glycolic so my skin is not a newbie -  but my skin feels very soft & the smile lines look great. This is what I used:

Always check with your medical prof before trying something new.

Back pain is still a problem for me and I feel I am not getting anything done for spring cleaning - I will probably still be trying to complete it when fall rolls around!  And 1/3 of the year is already gone!!!!!  Time is going by too quickly & these 2 munchkins are growing far too quickly. They were here for Easter & I already miss them.
As it gets closer to the 80's here in the South, I am thinking about a light powder I can use when I just want to go out & do errands. Physicians Formula Mineral Wear with oxygen technology which also has SPF 20 is going to be my first winner.  There was a touch of shimmer on the top of the design but it brushed right off - I don't want shimmer all over my face.  It has a light texture & will be enough coverage to go to the grocery store:
Have you got a new discovery that you would like to share?  Let me know so I can give it a try!


  1. Hi! It's nice to have a little spare time to try a new product!
    Many thanks for your kind comment on my blog!!

  2. lovely post, I'm always on the look out for something new!
    now following you! be lovely if you could check out my blog & maybe follow back? xxxx

  3. I'm intrigued by the peel! Will have to look into that more! Thanks for sharing with manic Monday! Http://
