My Party Places

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I have decided that I am going to send some of the designer bags to a consignment shop- at least I can share some of the good times I had.  I really want a new Chanel (of course not the one I have!)  Maybe when I feel better I will have a solid idea of what color to get (which will probably be black, like the one I already own!!!!!!!!!!!!)  I would love a pink one but it won't be practical enough for everyday.  What do you think - a practical bag that can go thru all the seasons - what is your 1st choice?

 Do you 'double clean'?  I have started using this method - I start with a facial cleansing cloth, like Pond's and then use the Clarisonic with Neutrogena's Ultra Gentle Daily Cleasner - it has a pump top which makes it so easy to use:

After having tried the face peel, I am seeing softer lines & am happy with the outcome -
I will definitely be trying it again! (the pict below has no make up!)
 I used the Organix Sea Mineral Shimmering Moisture on my hair & I love the soft shimmer it provides - the Coconut Water Hydration Oil is also very nice and I intend to store a back up of these products!  They will be great for summer or winter.
Do you have favorite summer hair products? What are your holy grails?
ETA:  I now have a link up list on the right side - this will make it easier to visit our favorite blogs.


  1. Sounds like good products. Great post! Lovely blog here anyway. Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for visiting - I am off to your blog now !

    2. Thx for making me smile Mimi, yep I totally agree with you.....we blondes have to stick together....Just followed back on GFC #52 Keep in touch honey xoxo

  2. wow great product thanks for sharing! would you like to follow each other via gfc, facebook, and bloglovin? or instagram too? let me know.

    keep in touch!



    1. Dear Ellie; I put a comment on your blog so we can follow each other & apologized for being so long to answer.
      Thank you for visiting me!

    2. its okay dear, I just read your comment now, thanks for following me, I am following you now. :)

  3. Oh I see your banner for fighting Breast cancer like a girl. This week I felt like I was fighting it like a drugged up hibernating bear!!!! lol Thanks for you attention to *FiF* ("Fashion item Friday"). Perfect!

  4. Great products! Love your blog. Pinned. Thank you so much for being part of our party. Please stop by next Tuesday, I love to see your amazing posts. Lou Lou Girls

  5. About the bag. I think red would be another option, because imho red is as nearly as good as black. It always adds a pop of color and you can wear a red bag with most outfits. But that's just me.
    Happy Sunday girl

  6. Thanks for sharing your tips with Visible Monday!

  7. Thanks for the tips, I really want to try some of these products. Have a nice day!

  8. I have wondered about that Neutrogena facial cleanser, so I'm glad to hear you like it. Which face peel did you use?
