My Party Places

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Today is a very warm day here in the South and one of the most important things we can do to protect our skin is use BB cream - it comes in liquid or powder & I use it every time I go out:
(BB stands for beauty balm)
All of these have sunscreen which is important to use everyday.  I use these interchangeably after I have applied moisturizer.  You cannot go wrong with any of these, as I have sensitive skin & none of these products have caused me any trouble.
Please use something to protect your skin everyday - you will be glad you did!

Since the migraine has passed, I wanted to mention the color match technology that is available at Sephora.  There is no longer any reason to buy the wrong color of foundation.  Now, I personally prefer the Greensboro location & use Candace as my SA but I have not been to the W-S Sephora in a long time so it's possible things have changed there.  If you page down to older posts, I give more info about my experience with color matching when I went on a hot, muggy day and the results were wonderful.  Candace is a trained makeup professional & I always enjoy her company.

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