My Party Places

Thursday, May 19, 2016

I hope you were adored & pampered on Mother's Day - my beloved grands made "cards":
I am going to arrange these in a frame.

I wore purple (and "sparkles") since it's GD's favorite color.
 Grandchildren are so precious - why do they have to grow up??

This Ellen Tracy Layered Eyeshadow Brick is in 'Dusk' and I especially love it because it was only $3 at a discount dept store!

I won't use all the colors but that's ok at this price!

While out & about, I had to stop at some outlets for a 'few' things: (no this isn't all - I'll add them next time)

Mr. For 42 Years has to go for a liver biopsy this week so I am making some of his favorite foods.
It's the least I can do -  caring for me after 4 brain surgeries, he so deserves to be spoiled!
He loves brownies!  And since these delicious ice creams were on sale I stocked up on these:
I could eat Belgian chocolate every day - oh wait - this was about him???!!!!!!!!

 My bunny came back!
Be well everyone.

   Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude!  

 ~ All items purchased by me ~
                                           Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. I love your natural makeup look! These cards look so cute, I love them! <3

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  2. awww your grands is so lovely!! and the magnum brownies look so delicious, it's make me hungry!!
    have a great weekend ahead

  3. You do look lovely in purple and sparkles. Sending positive energy for Mr.'s biopsy. I hope all turns out well.


  4. Prayers for Mr.'s biopsy! Have a great Memorial Day Week-end! Blessings, Janet

  5. Best health thoughts to your husband! I hope he enjoys the chocolate and gets a clear scan. xox


  6. Sounds like you had a really fun time! I love your necklace - was that a gift, too? Thank you for sharing this with us at the #HomeMattersParty

    1. I have had the necklace for a while - I thought it went well with the sweater - GD liked it - which is good because it will be hers some day!

  7. As usual, you always look so beautiful. The Mothers Day cards are just precious. Wishing only the best for your husband. I KNOW the brownies & ice cream had to make it better.

  8. Mother's day is such a wonderful day. All the sweet things and people around. I got a new can opener this year. Just happen to mention I am getting so old I have trouble using the regular and wala, a new came along. Have a great week.

  9. It sounds like you have a lovely Mother's Day and scored some fun finds! I hope that your husband receives good news from the biopsy and am thinking of you both. (The little bunny is too cute!) Thank you for sharing with us at #ShareTheJoyLinky!

  10. Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day. Hope your hubbies results are positive. I love those Magnum Ice creams and brownies. Hey why not mix them together...ohhh that would be great...ok now I have to go get some brownies and ice cream. Lol thanks for sharing at the Over the Moon Link Party

  11. I always forget the US celebrates Mother's Day later than we do. Glad you had a wonderful day. I hope the tests bring good news and that all goes well.

  12. You look very nice in your purple and sparkles, and that eye shadow was a bargain! I hope all goes well with Mr. For 42 Years liver biopsy and he enjoys being spoiled rotten.


  13. Those cards are just the cutest!

    Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


  14. I'm sure my mom will say the same thing once my kids are all grown. Now she is enjoying it! Love the makeup colours and so nice of you to make something so yummy for your hubby that of course you like too ;) Would love if you can check out my latest post about useful gifts for Dad and enter the giveaway to win a Father's Day gift

  15. Don't you just loves getting cards? I swear, I still have all of my Mother's Day cards since my first child was a baby almost 17 years ago! And I'll take a batch of those brownies! :) wanted to drop in and say Thanks for linking up with me last week! Would love to see you at this week's link up!

    xx, Chanda | Mommy & Me: Red, White & Blue + Link UP
