My Party Places

Friday, June 3, 2016

June is Migraine & Headache Awareness Month.  If you know anyone that suffers from this horrible disease please learn as much as you can - to this end I have enclosed some links that may be helpful:

As a daily migraineur, I feel your pain.  I worry that my grandchildren will only remember me in bed with the shades pulled.  And when one of them comes to tell me their head hurts I almost pass out from fear that I have passed this disease on to them.
Find yourself a compassionate Dr - it may take many trys but keep going - you deserve a quality of life that you can participate in.  The  recent talk on tv of reducing pain medications makes me angry because for some of us this is our only option - after 4 brain surgeries there is nothing else to be done and yes, we have tried every medication that is available.  Find a Dr. that makes you happy.
                            Please remember this: Migraine is a disease - not a headache.

There is nothing pretty or fashionable about this disease but so many suffer and at least we can learn and be supportive for those we care about.
Be good to yourself and each other.

MHAW 2013

                   Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. So sorry for your suffering! I had these when I was going through menopause, and they can really take a woman down. Best to you, xox


  2. Dearest Mimi,I have suffered for years with this too. It's terribly debilitating, and unless you've experienced a migraine, it's hard to understand. I agree that a sympathetic doctor is key. Sending you hugs today. The Other Mimi xxx

  3. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. This robe is so chic and the color is perfect for your teint!

  4. My mother suffers with migraines and it really is unpleasant. Thank you for helping get to raise awareness and sharing your own pain to help others. #sharethejoy (Michelle at The Joy Chaser and The Essex Barn)

  5. I like your robes..I don't wear them like I used to..I just get dressed now. I do love "stay in pjs all day", tho. :)

  6. I am following thru Google Friends Connect...

  7. I like that robe too. Something I almost always get at Christmas. With 6 kids, they run out of things to get. Enjoy
