My Party Places

Thursday, May 12, 2016

This is a brand that I have not seen since I was a teenager: Yardley
This perfumed talc powder is Lily of the Valley and I found it at a discount dept store for $5.99!
I keep all of these open so they scent the dressing room & walk-in closet. It was so popular in my younger days!

This new serum form of self-tanning works great! It's L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Serum.
I have just started using it and it goes on quickly without a sticky residue.  Definitely wash your hands right away or use those disposable dr. gloves - I keep boxes of those in the kitchen and my dressing room.  It tried quickly and supposedly lasts for over a week - we'll see, as I exfoliate frequently.

This little bottle of nail polish is cute and is supposed to have fragrance:
I don't' smell a strong "Autumn Spice" but it is a cute marketing idea!  This included with some additional beauty items would make a nice gift basket.

I am so glad stripes are still popular - I have a ton of them!
I love the ones I have gotten from Lands End and Ralph Lauren - they 100% cotton and so comfortable with the summer weather.  Enduring the heat here in the South is a full-time job!

There has been so much rain but the azaleas love it!
There was a little bunny hopping around there a few days ago but have since not seen him.

   Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude!  

 ~ All items purchased by me ~
                                           Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Hello dear heart! I hope school is going well.
    Are you enjoying your new blog design?
    You did a nice job on it.
    Take care!

  2. Lovely products. I'm intrigued with the scented nail polish. Thanks so much for joining us on #shinebloghop!

  3. Yardley - I remember that brand so well. There use to be a little boutique where I worked that sold all kinds of products there by Yardley. I can still remember their floral scents. Glad you shared this today.

  4. I'm also glad stripes are still quite popular, as I love them and also have quite a collection. I'm interested to see how it goes with that self-tanner. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I have top admit, you have your share of striped shirts. I do not think I have a single one.

  6. I adored all things Yardley - and I still use their almond bath bar. Thanks for sharing, xox


  7. I remember Yardley and their lavender scent. Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


  8. Love Lily of the Valley, my mum always brings me a bouquet on my birthday and i adore the smell..x lovely blog aswell..x

  9. I remember this Yardley talc also from my younger does smell so good. Thanks for all of your reviews. I used the Jergens self tan last year but haven't bought anything yet so I will look for this one.

  10. Finally, someone as completely obsessed with stripes as me! My closet looks about the same! Aren't stripes so fun and flattering?


  11. I don't think stripes will ever go out of style :). They are a classic! Would love if you can link up to

  12. Great post, l'oreal is wonderful <3
    Beautiful blog

  13. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Mt granny used to have a purple green paisley dress with sparkle. I loved it

  14. Wow! That Ellen Tracy shadow palette is gorgeous!!!

