My Party Places

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I had my sweet munchkins this week and my dear hair designer agreed to cut their hair ~ she is so nice to work them in whenever I ask her ~ ~ hilarity ensued!!!!

                                          We love you Miss Dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dear platinum sisters be careful when applying oil/shine products to your hair.  If the product has a brownish color this could deposit on your hair.  It's best to use a clear oil like the one pictured here:

We want to keep our gorgeous color!

I am not crazy about the bronze polish - I think I need more color than this provides:
 I polished over the manicure with this - I am all about pink sparkles!!
When I need to be good, I fix salad for lunch:
This is a spring organic mix with cucumbers & black olives & Italian shredded cheese with light ranch dressing.
I keep canned tomatoes in the pantry for when I cannot get fresh ones and a variety of olives.  And to up the protein I use canned chicken or tuna.  When you live in the country you have to keep a stocked pantry:
These shelves are on both sides of the walk-in pantry and I don't know how I lived without this previously!
Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

No girl should ever forget 
ETA: If you become a follower by Sept 26,2014, you could win an eye shadow collection & other goodies!  Thanks for joining!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Since I bought a new color - Wild Card - in the Revlon Gel Envy collection, this will make my 3rd time trying this line.
This blue is out of my comfort zone but it is pretty and looks nice with denim.  But the plum color (pic below) was the most stead-fast in staying power - even though I used the top coat as instructed.  That's ok as it was my favorite look this fall.
And the price is so much better than $50 for one color - I just would never spend that much for one bottle of polish.
As I was finishing this post up this new color arrived so I gave it a quick try:
It's Revlon's "All In" and I do like it better than the above blue.  It has a metallic cast and I like the  effect it produces.

Here are some nice colors I found at a discount center that will be great for fall.  I can't wait to try the bronze & they were only about $1.50 each:

I don't want time to rush by - I have already seen my first Thanksgiving & Christmas ads!  But I will admit I have started going thru recipes and longing for the tree to come out.  The grandchildren are always delighted to help with decorating and are of the age that they will remember participating - it is so wonderful to see any of the holidays thru their eyes.

I love this song by the Moody Blues:

I want to share this recipe:  Starbucks Inspired Pumpkin Spice Latte
All ingredients are dry so they can be stored for convenience~you don't have to leave the comfort of your warm kitchen!
a good heart
I have a friend that loves my pumpkin raisin bread so I am off to bake!
                  Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here
* Become a Follower (button on the right) by Sept. 26, 2014 and you will automatically be entered to win a new eye shadow collection with extra sample packets thrown in!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

I am on my 2nd week of using Revlon's Colorstay Gel Envy polish
(shown is Queen of Hearts = a very true red color) and like it well enough to order a new color - and praying Ulta gets this order right!!!  Last week's order was a nightmare even with help from customer service!!!!!!  This corp is large enough to do better!  Speaking of this company, they currently have a gift with purchase for the Physicians Formula cosmetics.  It is not Estee Lauder or Dior but neither is the price.  I have sensitive skin and have been able to use all the products that I have bought ~ here are some in my current rotation:
These items include highlighters, bronzers, blush, eye shadow and lip gloss that has a light in the top of the cap!

I watched an interview with Carolina Herrera yesterday and my girl is sitting there eating a grilled cheese sandwich & french fries!  What is not to love??!! Oh - and she also loves her chocolate "crunchy" - yes!!!!!!!!!  Apparently we are twins, separated at birth - I don't think she ever designed anything that I did not love.  Rock on sister girl!
The princess comes today so I had to make her favorite thing in the world:
She has good taste doesn't she!!!!!!!
Do you stitch?  I made this when I learned the princess was coming into the world:
She loves pointing out the letters and reciting the alphabet.  I can't wait to teach her how to stitch - I have enough projects to last her a lifetime!

It's time for a giveaway!  Since most of my broken bones are healed let's have fun!
Become a Follower (button on the right) by Sept. 26, 2014 and you will automatically be entered to win a new eye shadow collection with extra sample packets thrown in!!
I will email you to let you know you have won so contact me before the following 48 hours to claim the prize! ( you will have to send me your address).
And stay tuned because I have other great items ordered that will be given away later this year!
 Never regret something that once made you happy 
Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.........
Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome to my world here on the mountain:
fall landscapes photo: #pbNature - Fall Landscapes Leaves changing colour. landscape_fall_colors_041010m49_zpsdqxptas2.jpg
It really is this beautiful here - I will miss it when I move:
fall landscapes photo: autumn 1072108-2-vermont-autumn.jpg  

Here is some helpful advice to enhance your eye color:Eye Color Make up
I have green eyes and use the lavender/plum colors frequently - I have tried gold and was pleased with the pop of color so I probably need to try the taupes.

I recently purchased Ole Henriksen's Truth Serum Collagen Booster to increase the
Vit C I apply to my face.  It is a nice smooth serum and a little goes a long way - I hope it will be helpful over time. 
I really like Stivectin products and just finished this one up:
I have found these products really do produce results and are worth the money.

I recently tried Tarte's Best in Faux lash fiber extentions which comes in black so you can't see all the little fibers.  Be sure to coat in mascara after application because the little fibers will fall down on the face!!! It's applied just like mascara and was ok - I did not get a lot of volume from this for a first trial run but am willing to try again when I am not in a hurry.

Do you enjoy tea? This is a nice chart for brewing diff types of tea:
tea steeping times   I prefer my tea strong so I brew for longer periods of time but this is very handy.
Cool weather starts up this week and it is wonderful to sleep with the windows open!
Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I have to update my new polish activity - the Revlon Color Envy is carrying on - there is a little wear but no chips after 4 days - I have added a clear coat on the 3rd day for additional protection and it seems to work ~ this may be a keeper.

I recently went to Sephora to retrieve my birthday gift & of course I had to make some purchases:  

I will review the purchases separately - the free gift will probably be given away, as I am not a lipstick person - strictly gloss.  Jeez, you go in for a free item & end up dropping a $100!  Must have been the migraine coming on !!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of Sephora, I recently placed an online order and qualified for free samples - of course the ones I chose did not arrive even though what I chose is still showing as available.  I hate when they send some teenage type perfume that I would never use - something else to put in the trash.
And how in the world can you have a product called 'Southern Belle' Volume Mousse and not carry it in NC ?????  Yep, I had to order it online because it was not in my store.
That's just nuts! 
I do like it - no crunchiness and a delicate scent that went away quickly (which is great because scent is a migraine trigger.)  And no build up that would have to be washed out the next day.  Now put it on the shelves!!!!!!!!!!

4yr old GD comes today to visit and we will work on "school" work - I want her fully prepared for kindergarten so that it will be an enjoyable experience for her.
She is like me - we love salty snacks so we are enjoying this new potato chip:
With my cholesterol, I don't need these but I love the flavor - only a handful!!

Much love to everyone!
ETA: the polish had very small chips today (Fri), which means it lasted almost a week - I can live with that!