My Party Places

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Since I bought a new color - Wild Card - in the Revlon Gel Envy collection, this will make my 3rd time trying this line.
This blue is out of my comfort zone but it is pretty and looks nice with denim.  But the plum color (pic below) was the most stead-fast in staying power - even though I used the top coat as instructed.  That's ok as it was my favorite look this fall.
And the price is so much better than $50 for one color - I just would never spend that much for one bottle of polish.
As I was finishing this post up this new color arrived so I gave it a quick try:
It's Revlon's "All In" and I do like it better than the above blue.  It has a metallic cast and I like the  effect it produces.

Here are some nice colors I found at a discount center that will be great for fall.  I can't wait to try the bronze & they were only about $1.50 each:

I don't want time to rush by - I have already seen my first Thanksgiving & Christmas ads!  But I will admit I have started going thru recipes and longing for the tree to come out.  The grandchildren are always delighted to help with decorating and are of the age that they will remember participating - it is so wonderful to see any of the holidays thru their eyes.

I love this song by the Moody Blues:

I want to share this recipe:  Starbucks Inspired Pumpkin Spice Latte
All ingredients are dry so they can be stored for convenience~you don't have to leave the comfort of your warm kitchen!
a good heart
I have a friend that loves my pumpkin raisin bread so I am off to bake!
                  Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here
* Become a Follower (button on the right) by Sept. 26, 2014 and you will automatically be entered to win a new eye shadow collection with extra sample packets thrown in!!


  1. $50 for a bottle of polish is a little steep for me! I just bought a berry color and a toffee color for the fall that I need to try out still. Those blues are pretty and I am sure they look great when you are wearing denim or even a chambray button down.

  2. Such a pretty color blue polish!

  3. The blue shade is so pretty - glad you tried something out of your comfort zone.

    Thank yo so much for linking up with TBT Fashion and I hope to see you next week!


  4. Thanks for linking up with us at Three-fer Thursdays!
    xo, Steph
    White Coat Wardrobe

  5. Aww their haircuts look great. Ok, now you have ME obsessed with polish lately! haha. Love the saphire blue, might have to try that one, and the pink sparkly looks great on you too.
    from the link up
    please stop by, jess
