My Party Places

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I had my sweet munchkins this week and my dear hair designer agreed to cut their hair ~ she is so nice to work them in whenever I ask her ~ ~ hilarity ensued!!!!

                                          We love you Miss Dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dear platinum sisters be careful when applying oil/shine products to your hair.  If the product has a brownish color this could deposit on your hair.  It's best to use a clear oil like the one pictured here:

We want to keep our gorgeous color!

I am not crazy about the bronze polish - I think I need more color than this provides:
 I polished over the manicure with this - I am all about pink sparkles!!
When I need to be good, I fix salad for lunch:
This is a spring organic mix with cucumbers & black olives & Italian shredded cheese with light ranch dressing.
I keep canned tomatoes in the pantry for when I cannot get fresh ones and a variety of olives.  And to up the protein I use canned chicken or tuna.  When you live in the country you have to keep a stocked pantry:
These shelves are on both sides of the walk-in pantry and I don't know how I lived without this previously!
Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

No girl should ever forget 
ETA: If you become a follower by Sept 26,2014, you could win an eye shadow collection & other goodies!  Thanks for joining!


  1. The little ones getting a hair cut was so cute, thanks for sharing with us at the #WWDParty.

  2. Such cute pictures! And good tip for us pale blondes too. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday!

  3. OK... this is just getting weird! I JUST bought that same bronze color in Revlon Nail Envy and it is almost my third bottle!! We REALLY are twins! HEADS up.... Im trying to buy the Sally Hansen Gel color to try next week (if I cant stop buying Revlon), have you tried it?

  4. I mean... It is also my third bottle and if I CAN stop buying Revlon.... Gosh. I need more coffee

    1. You are too cute!!!
      I got the SH #360 Tidal Wave & top coat - so let's try it for
      next week and see how it holds up. The Revlon colors have been gorgeous but I could be won over if a polish lasts longer than a week. I can't wait to see what you think!

  5. That pink sparkle nail polish is so pretty!

  6. Love the nail polish!!

  7. Love the haircuts and I would kill for your amazingly organized walk in pantry! If I had one it would never be that organized, I am sure! Just stopping by from the GRAND Social

  8. aaww so cute! loving the nail colors!

    1. The pictures of your trip are gorgeous!
      Thank you for sharing them.

  9. Thanks for sharing your day with us at #theWeekendSocial. Hope to see you again Thursday 9:00 PM EST. Pinned.

  10. Very beautiful nails and hair ! :)

  11. Love that purple sparkly nail polish!!

    Jenna from Visions of Vogue

  12. great nail color!
    xo Jessica

  13. Such a great blog!
    Would you like to follow each other via Bloglovin and gfc?

  14. That nail polish looks great with the extra sparkle. Also, I love how big your pantry is!! If mine were that size, I'd keep it stocked well, too! :)
