My Party Places

Monday, June 2, 2014

Knowing I had to go to the Dr for shots, I try to keep my outfit simple and hopefully keep me out of those paper "gowns"!  I was afraid this was too casual but I've known him for 20 yrs so I think it's ok:
No jewelry in case he sent me for more x-rays & no make up - I knew I would just come home & crash from being so tense - I hate needles!
I think I have finally broken free from nightgowns that accommodate the back brace so this is my OOTD!!! 

I recently found these Clairol Pro 4Plex products that I will try: Leave in conditioner:
And there is a Volume Mousse:
I hope to give them a try this week.

I don't understand the continued use of very super dark nail polish - Halloween is over and this vampire look has to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are so many beautiful colors available & it will make your summer skin look gorgeous - please do it for me!!!!!!!!

Hope your weekend was wonderful!


  1. Thanks for sharing your new hair product finds with Visible Monday!

    1. I tried to leave a comment on how much I loved the blouse but it would not work - the shoes are too cute for words!
      As always, you look fabulous!

  2. Thank you for the leave in conditioner info. Best wishes at the Dr. Yes, I call those gowns, paper napkins! I have EDS, a connective tissue disease, and willingly get Dry needle treatment. My PT uses hypodermic needles to find knots in my muscles and release them! TO think, I used to be afriad of giving blood. :-))
    Please drop by,
    from the link up, jess

  3. Hope everything goes well! Pinned your beauty products:) Stopped over from makeup monday party.

  4. Replies
    1. Hi sweetie; I am delighted to have you as a follower - I tried to follow you but the "Join" button is not working - I will try again tomorrow - the migraine has begun so my day is over.
      By the way, your curves look good on you - you are lovely just the way you are!

    2. Oh, get well soon! Don't worry, you're already on my Followers List.
      Thanks for those words. That moved me!


      With Love,
      Monique (The Slim Kid Inside)

  5. I agree with you on the year round dark nail polish - just don't get it except for Halloween!
    I am also "over 60" and SUPER enjoying this time of my life!

    1. Your blog is wonderful & I am following. The little ones are precious - they just grow up too fast!
      Great having you here!

  6. Hope everything went OK st the Dr. Glad to see you smiling and looking comfy but GOOD as you head out to see him.... :)
    x Crystelle Crystelle Boutique

  7. Ya, I know THAT routine. Hope all is well with you. ♥, Renae

  8. Thanks for sharing the hair products---especially the leave-in conditioner. Sorry you had to have shots. found today at lou lou girls linky. Have a wonderful week:)

  9. I actually never thought of dressing to avoid the paper night gown. It didn't even occur to me that it was possible and I assumed that the humiliation of it was just part of the treatment (or a deterrent so we don't come in too often). You have changed my life here.

    1. I have had 4 brain surgeries so I am experienced in "dressing" to go to a Dr!!!
      I hope you are well & thank you for visiting.

  10. I love hearing about new products! Thanks! Pinned! Please join us tonight at 7 pm and party with us. We feel honored when you stop by!
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  11. You don't need make up any way, you are naturally beautiful :-). I have been seeing my orthopedic surgeon quite a bit lately ( just had hip surgery) and I always try to wear appropriate clothing so I don't have to wear the huge blue shorts for him to do the exams. I also wear thin body Warner's because I freeze my fanny off in his office!

  12. TOTALLY agree w/you about the dark polish, and you look wonderful sans makeup. Here from the Grand Social & hope to see you at #109! BB2U
