My Party Places

Monday, June 9, 2014

I have some new followers this week & I am thrilled to have you here.  If you find yourself in the middle of  NC, let me know so we can have coffee & possibly hit Sephora!

I know one of the bloggers is going to focus on accessories and I have to admit it is one of my weaknesses. I love hammered silver cuffs:

And of course, a southwestern look is great for summer:

Now it is important to take care of silver because polishing it constantly is not fun!
I have a silver keeper armoire that works well if it is kept tightly closed - well worth the investment:
There are probably 4yr old fingerprints all over this mirror but it's never too soon to teach them to take care of their jewelry!

Diamonds are a girl's best friend & I love friends!!!!

My grandchildren love cupcakes so I found this site:
My little ones would love all these!
TumblrCupcake Sign

Don't miss a chance to be kind - it could be the best part of someone's day.


  1. I love the turquoise jewelry with the pearls! I have not seen that before. I worked for a while with a gentleman who made the turquoise and silver jewelry. He had some very nice pieces and they were great year round and especially in the Summer.

    Your gorgeous by the way! Your blog is very fun :) I found it through the Makeup Monday link up.


  2. I love those silver bracelets. I am always on the look out for those accessories. New to your blog, but love it!

  3. Those silver cuffs are beautiful!!!!!!!!

    Also, those cupcakes look AMAZING!

    Thanks for linking up with Stylish Tuesday!


  4. hammered silver is so pretty.... and who can resist a pretty cupcake? :) #SITSgirls

  5. What a fun blog you have! I love those silver cuffs! Silver is my favorite, but recently I've been balking at it, because I hate how it tarnishes. I need one of those silver armoires! Stopped by from the SITS Sharefest. New follower and looking forward to visiting more.

    1. Thank you for your kindness & I am thrilled you are here - I am following you back. It's fun discovering new blogs & people and I am glad to meet you!
