My Party Places

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Since I had to have shots in my back I was rewarded with this:

These may be better than pain killers!!

I decided to try lengthening mascara (I only use waterproof) and I am happy with this product - Maybelline Illegal Length Mascara:
 This was not clumpy & did not have a bunch of noticeable fibers - I am going to stockpile this next Ulta sale.
And speaking of Ulta - they had their eye shadows Buy 2 - Get 2 free, so I chose these:
Starting at the top left: Bloom, Haight & Ashbury, Zephyr & Calla Lily.  I always love colors in the lavender/orchid range so of course I have been thrilled with the color of the year - I dread seeing it come to an end.
So I might as well comfort myself with this:
I am not usually drawn to summery fragrances but this is lovely & am so glad I bought it.  It will definitely be gone by the end of summer!

Have a great weekend my lovelies!!


  1. Cool post! :) I follow your blog, follow back?

    1. Nice to have you here - I am following back!
      Thank you!

  2. Hi there! Oh man, I'd hurt someone for a Krispy Kreme donut right now! I hope your back feels better, shots are no beuno. I hope your having a great Sunday.

  3. I would love to try the Dolce, only have had a smell from it in the magazines. I get needles called a Dry needling technique, as I have chronic pain and it helps to release knots in my muscles.
    from link up, jess
    Please drop by,
