My Party Places

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I want to welcome my new followers - I am delighted to know you & since we love the same things, we have plenty to talk about.  Be assured I will not recommend anything I have not used and I purchase all the items I use. I have a number of younger followers & I am thrilled they can learn from my mistakes.

Barring a migraine attack, I plan to go to Ulta on Sunday & probably lose my mind!
I want a new perfume but this probably is not the best time to buy it because the summer scents are so citrus, coconut & beachy.  I am not even crazy about spring/summer clothes.  But never fear - I am sure I will come out of that store with purchases!!

I have a Linkup site on the right where I acknowledge blog hops I participate in. Now, if this is not adequate for your blog hop requirements, just send me a note & I will delete your entry.  There is just not enough room to feature every logo for each blog, so I think this is the fairest way. Also, you are receiving free advertising everyday, while our blog listing only lasts on your site for about a day before readers move on.

Now that it is May, here is my public service announcement:

                    STAY OUT OF THE SUN!!!!
Funny Summer Photos


  1. Love the green eyeshadow, I bet you'll totally be able to pull it off :) x

    1. You are so sweet - thank you for the confidence - I am liking the
      green a lot!!
      Much love, Mimi

  2. Wow,very beautiful eyeshadow
    Wanna follow each other on gfc & bloglovin
    Let me know

    1. Would be happy to follow back - leave your blog here in comments & I will hop over!

  3. Both green and pink look amazing! But that woman doesn`t :))

  4. I love both colors! They look amazing. Pinned. Thanks for being part of our party. Please come and show off one of your projects, on Monday at 7 pm. We would love it.
    Happy Saturday! Lou Lou Girls

  5. I love the orchid color, wish I could do my eyes like that. I need to learn to do the cat eye as well. But wow! Is that photo for real? The woman in that picture is the most unhealthy I have seen, poster girl for skin cancer huh?

    Please stop by
