My Party Places

Friday, February 28, 2014

I love this year's color & this might have to go on the" I must have list":

Beautiful purple lady dior
This is past beautiful!

I like Fekkai products and my friend bought this for me:
It is a liquid mousse that is shaken & then use 2 pumps, which will keep me from over-using the product!
I also love his Glossing Cream but always use too much & my hair is straight enough but it gives hair a glistening shine!

 I plan to celebrate the moment my Doctor turns me loose so I will be having a giveaway - I will say it's eye shadow & I will give more details over time.  There will not be a dozen hoops to jump thru but you must become a follower by using the "Join this site" button on the right because that is only fair to the people that visit regularly- so become a follower while there is still time!  I will only be able to mail the prize within the US because global mailing is extremely expensive - I am so sorry about that.  But the day may come when that will change!

Have a nice weekend and to prove Mother Nature is still in charge, we will have snow flurries on Sat & then 60's on Sunday!!!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

I am loving the nautical look & apparently have for a while - confession is good for the soul right?  Long sleeve or short, I love them all:
I like these & wear them frequently:
I guess I should also give recognition to my stylist, a professional 4 year old, going on 21!!!!!!  Apparently I wore her out - I must be a difficult client!
She is definitely mine - she has never seen a piece of jewelry she did not love!!!!!  But unfortunately she has my nickel allergy so only the good stuff for us !!

Come see us at Visible Monday: and and
ETA: As a rule, I keep colors together in my closet, (the pict above is killing me) but my back is not healed enough to do laundry (I know - I'm breaking your heart!) and we are keeping all my things on the lower section of the walk-in. I look forward to putting a mean clean on that closet when the Dr sets me free or I sneak in there when no one is looking - don't let that angelic face above fool you -she rats me out every time I pick up something!

Monday, February 17, 2014

I received my small haul from Ulta & I just absolutely love the  Tarte Be MATTEnificent Amazonian Colored Clay Matte Eye & Cheek Palette
   And these were the other goodies:
The Neutrogena Triple Moisture leave in conditioner is great & sometimes hard to find.
For me, it's one of the best leave-in conditioners because it does not weigh the hair down-even if I get heavy handed!! And of course, it does not bother my sensitive skin.

The Ulta Automatic Eye Liner in Bronze is a favorite - I don't line my lower eyes with it but instead, use it to dot along where the eye lashes attach - since I have green eyes, it just gives a little something extra to highlight the green color.

 I enjoy reading other blogs but I hate going to a site that has so many ads & cookies that the computer bogs down & almost crashes - that is a good way to keep me from ever coming back to your site!

Ok, I hope these are my last snow shots for the year!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

 Today we are facing 'snowmageddon' so please stay put wherever you are.

Do you have a favorite lotion?  I have some which varies during the different seasons.
I have started using argan oil after applying lotion which has been very beneficial & the oil smells heavenly. I am not gaga about Amlactin because of the scent but it works well enough.

I am wanting a new bucket style bag for spring & I love my vintage LV Noe:

   and I would love to have a similar style in blue, sort of like this:

If you know of such an animal please email.  I love my Noe but once I put everything in the world inside, it becomes too heavy.  And apparently I have to be careful with my back for months ahead.  But we still have to be stylish!!!!!!!!

 This year my friends and I turn 60  -  it definitely will be a pivotal time in my life and my recent accident brought the finality to life completely home in perspective; so I beg you, live each day fully  -  tell the ones you love how much they mean to you and have fun even if it is only that extra cup of coffee!  No really, eat the cookie !!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Thank you for all the chocolate but it has to stop - laying around eating these divine morsels is going to take a toll!

Truly I do not need any more temptation - at least wait until Valentines Day!
As a rule we don't make a fuss about V Day here except for the 2 grandchildren & they love cupcakes so that is easy - the best part is just having them here for the weekend.  I want my beloveds to know thru out the year how special they are & I hope I am accomplishing that.  I still can't be out of bed for long periods but I do hope Chilis chips & salsa find their way to my house!

I have been trying to put some spring accessories together, which will include variations of the color of the year - what do you think?

The bracelet on the right is champagne diamonds & I love it but never wear it - I'm not getting any younger so what am I saving it for?????
I also love this bag & have never used it:

I think orchid & various shades of pink are going to be "my" colors this spring, when I can finally get out of the house!
We are supposed to get snow here again so I will just rest in front of the fireplace - I hope you have a great weekend & please be safe on the roads.

Be sure to come visit us at !!