My Party Places

Monday, February 24, 2014

I am loving the nautical look & apparently have for a while - confession is good for the soul right?  Long sleeve or short, I love them all:
I like these & wear them frequently:
I guess I should also give recognition to my stylist, a professional 4 year old, going on 21!!!!!!  Apparently I wore her out - I must be a difficult client!
She is definitely mine - she has never seen a piece of jewelry she did not love!!!!!  But unfortunately she has my nickel allergy so only the good stuff for us !!

Come see us at Visible Monday: and and
ETA: As a rule, I keep colors together in my closet, (the pict above is killing me) but my back is not healed enough to do laundry (I know - I'm breaking your heart!) and we are keeping all my things on the lower section of the walk-in. I look forward to putting a mean clean on that closet when the Dr sets me free or I sneak in there when no one is looking - don't let that angelic face above fool you -she rats me out every time I pick up something!


  1. That picture of your daughter is adorable! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, and stay stripey!

  2. I just love & adore you !!!! That is my granddaughter, exhausted from all her styling duties! The best part is, I am the only one she will nap for-
    yep, she is getting all the diamond jewelry!!

  3. Oh.... really, your grand daughter is really adorable! What a cute photo.
    Well, I think you have the same love for stripes as I :)
    Thank you so much for linking with Très Chic Style Bits

  4. Love the stripes look but this little cutie takes the cake!
