My Party Places

Thursday, February 13, 2014

 Today we are facing 'snowmageddon' so please stay put wherever you are.

Do you have a favorite lotion?  I have some which varies during the different seasons.
I have started using argan oil after applying lotion which has been very beneficial & the oil smells heavenly. I am not gaga about Amlactin because of the scent but it works well enough.

I am wanting a new bucket style bag for spring & I love my vintage LV Noe:

   and I would love to have a similar style in blue, sort of like this:

If you know of such an animal please email.  I love my Noe but once I put everything in the world inside, it becomes too heavy.  And apparently I have to be careful with my back for months ahead.  But we still have to be stylish!!!!!!!!

 This year my friends and I turn 60  -  it definitely will be a pivotal time in my life and my recent accident brought the finality to life completely home in perspective; so I beg you, live each day fully  -  tell the ones you love how much they mean to you and have fun even if it is only that extra cup of coffee!  No really, eat the cookie !!


  1. Yes, live each moment to the fullest! I lost my mom in January, and … life is just so short and precious.

    1. I am sorry for your loss but I know you appreciate the time you had together.
      Much love to you.

  2. I agree, cherish those around you. Also I love the bucket style bags. I havent got one but i was very close to buying one recently. X
