My Party Places

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

I have had all I can stand of Pantone's Color of the Year - Coral.
So I went in search of the Spring collection =  Flame Scarlet & Saffron.
  If you like a patriotic theme this will be your year and it seems
  likely that coastal-inspired colors will be hot for the next few years.
 Embracing Nature - Color Palette                                                        

 Color Play - Color Palette

 But my colors are the last two - Pantone seems to give us some shade of these colors every year and I appreciate it. These are colors I enjoy and I don't want my clothing or decor to be dated.

Are any of these going to be your favorites?

I have to bring this product to your attention because it works!  L'Oreal Revitalift 1.5% Hyaluronic Acid Serum is fragrance free and quickly plumps the skin so wrinkles are not so noticeable.  I have been using it on my neck and around the eyes before my moisturizer and I am very happy with it.  It is available at most drugstores and there are coupons to help you save money.  Definitely treat yourself!

With Christmas almost here, I am working on the menu (which I am not allowed to change, ever!)
My favorite side dish is my Cranberry Sauce with Mandarin Oranges & Pecans. Even my DIL has decided this is delicious.
I use whole cranberries (frankly the canned type is easier), cut up mandarin oranges, chopped pecans, 1TBS cinnamon, splash of vanilla, small sprinkling of cloves.  Mix together gently and refrigerate.
Have you tried this?  Feel free to share any recipes.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and much love to all.

                                               Etsy Shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


Monday, October 21, 2019

I just love this time of year - the grands had an early release day so they got extra time with me this weekend.  I made their favorite spaghetti and went  to the top of the mountain (in Cana, VA) to get apples.  I love McIntosh and Empires and they only had a couple dozen Empires left.  Their country store has penny candy so the Grands get a bag to fill up!!  We don't have a lot of color yet on the trees but it should be better in a couple of weeks.  What did you do this weekend?

While Ulta is having 20% off, I picked a few things - all necessary!!
This moisturizer is wonderful - it doesn't bother my sensitive skin and has SPF.

This is the cleanser I use every day.  It is very gentle with no fragrance.

 Triple Sec is a nice volumizer - after I dry my hair and mostly style it, I spray this in chunks underneath my style.  The fragrance is soft and is not overly stiff.  Another good use for 20% off!
Sparkling Soda is a fabulous shine/light hold product.  Now I need more hold than this so I use my hair spray product and then use this for mega shine.  I like a lot of shine (since I have no color to reflect light back) and this is fantastic.  I cannot be without this!  Have you tried any of these & what did you think?  Share your ideas.
 * All of these products were purchased by me.

How is fall shaping up for you?  Very busy or more low-key?

                                                               Etsy Shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Monday, October 14, 2019

I got some new hair products I am excited to try.
 I really like AG hair products so I always pick up whatever is new to the line.      
Cloud is a volumizing mousse that is new to the line.
Sexy Hair is a volumizing gel foam that does not weigh hair down.
I am trying a new stylist this week so I might take this with me-wish me luck!

This is new to me and I love it! Its Vitality Lip Flush is moisturizing and gives just the slightest blush to the lips - I will definitely buy this again.

                                                Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

It is time for hair products rotation - these are some good prods that I keep around:
Lip products that are good for the lips:
I really like the argan products by Josie Maran ~ the Chapstick total hydration was dry when applying so I had to add another product for additional moisture.  What are your favorites?
I have an order coming from Ulta so I will feature them next time.  Some of the items are new to me.

Working on the fall wreath - it should be up by this weekend.  Hopefully it looks like the one below:
I really love this mahogany door - it matched the brick so well.

My head pain has been terrible lately and I don't know why - the weather has been nice and nights are going down into the 50's - so wonderful to sleep with the doors & windows open.  I like 100% cotton night clothes but they are hard to find.  I just placed an order with Lands End so a few of those pieces will be pure cotton.
I will have more to feature next time.  Thank you wonderful readers!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I read a blogger post whereby the writer wears day-time tops as pajamas.  I can so relate to this because I do it also.  I have to have long sleeves year 'round but especially in winter and a zillion blankets!  I am starting to see a few leaves get pale yellow here on the mountain and that means my favorite season is close by.  Let the pumpkin spice madness begin!!!

Do you need long sleeves to be comfortable?

I found this set of  Euphoria perfume for 75% off which was too irresistible - it is a scent I really like.

Because I mentioned highlighters in my last post, I had to round up some of my highlighters - honestly, I don't collect them but some were a good value - I can hardly resist buy 1 - get 1 free!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have some favorites?

I promise to have more info next time - between GC birthdays, getting the fall wreath ready and migraines time has slipped by too quickly.  Thank you for spending time with me.

" If Mom says no ask Mimi ~
if Mimi says no - who are we kidding~
Mimi never says no "

                                                   Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

I have had this bareMinerals highlighter for a while but have not used it.  The colors from left to right are:  'Glow Brillant' and 'Matte May'.  They are very light so you have a chance to build on it.
I don't think I will buy another one - really how many highlighters does one need??!!!

I may round up a number of my highlighters to keep myself accountable=like I have enough forever!

Here are products I have been happy with and was not expensive. This was part of my haul during Ulta's 20% discount.
I like Estee Lauder - I can't help it!

Ulta's Gradual Self Tanning Glow Pads

My new hair stylist did a good job.  I would prefer more pieces but I can do that myself.  At least the length is back where I like it.
Happy Birthday August girls!!

                                                Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Saturday, July 27, 2019

I am leaving this post up for a few more days because the lovely Beverly is showcasing my blog.
Be sure to check out her blog at :
It is always showing the most beautiful things and you cannot find a nicer person.

I will have a new post in a few days!! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Ulta needs to stop with the 20% off - this is my second order!!

I could not resist the Pacifica Cherry Bomb  Cherry Cheek Powders.  They are not hard colors and seem perfect for fair skin color.  I used a tissue so you could see the colors better.  This color combination is great for blush & bronzers.
Of course the colors are lighter than they appear on a white background.
From top to bottom
Cherry Spirits
Pink Moon
Fire Lit
Queens of Noise.

I have sensitive skin so I am careful what I put on my face.  Neutrogena make up remover cleansing towelettes are excellent for removing the day's make up.  Now I would follow up with an additional cleansing so I know my face is completely clean - then I add whatever I am using for anti-aging ~ retin A, Origins Night minims or Estee Lauder's Advanced Night Repair Eye Serum Synchronized Complex II

(These are my travel sizes)

What is your nightly regime?

I was just scrolling thru and saw that they already have pumpkin spice products!
I guess it is an attempt to show us we will live thru the heat of summer!  I saw candles and body mists - it's never too early to enjoy anything pumpkin!

                                                 Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here