My Party Places

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I read a blogger post whereby the writer wears day-time tops as pajamas.  I can so relate to this because I do it also.  I have to have long sleeves year 'round but especially in winter and a zillion blankets!  I am starting to see a few leaves get pale yellow here on the mountain and that means my favorite season is close by.  Let the pumpkin spice madness begin!!!

Do you need long sleeves to be comfortable?

I found this set of  Euphoria perfume for 75% off which was too irresistible - it is a scent I really like.

Because I mentioned highlighters in my last post, I had to round up some of my highlighters - honestly, I don't collect them but some were a good value - I can hardly resist buy 1 - get 1 free!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have some favorites?

I promise to have more info next time - between GC birthdays, getting the fall wreath ready and migraines time has slipped by too quickly.  Thank you for spending time with me.

" If Mom says no ask Mimi ~
if Mimi says no - who are we kidding~
Mimi never says no "

                                                   Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. тенюшки очень классные

  2. Nice post sweetie,keep it up! Xx

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