My Party Places

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The gorgeous Cherie at Style Nudge ( got me to thinking (which on some days is painful!).
Are you super organized or some days you just "let it ride".  In my defense, I am a daily migraineur (a rare group but we exist) so some days packages & bags get left on the floor.  I am going to show some of my "ideas" of organizing but it is still a work in progress. Right after moving into this house I had my 3rd & 4th brain surgeries so I am still playing catch up.
 These are some of my leisure wear pieces (and some still in the package!) They are somewhat organized by color & sleeve length.  On to the purse group: a full length mirror is surrounded by peg board - for me out of sight is out of mind so I need things out so I can see them!
Wallets in boxes are not a great idea because I forget about them! These are too small for my needs so I should sell them.  And of course dust covers should be used - not folded and sitting on a shelf!
Are you super organized - please share any tips!!
This is all I am willing to confess to!!

                                                          One of our favorite recipes!
                                                            Ham & Potato Casserole 
Frozen o'brien potatoes (with onions & peppers-28oz bag)
*Thaw potatoes overnight in frig
1 1/2 cups cubed ham from leftovers
2 cups shredded cheese~ whatever you like~I use sharp cheddar and usually add another cup
 1 can (10 3/4 oz) cream of chicken soup(do not dilute)    1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 stick of butter
TBS parsley - 1/2 TBS oregano (optional)  Salt & Pepper
Reserve some cheese for the final 30 mins of baking to cover the top
**You can add green beans for a 1-pan meal!

Stir all together and bake at 350 for up to 2 hours, esp if you have other things in the oven.  Stir every 20 mins - even my picky eaters like this.
Left overs can be frozen for later.

                                         Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                               Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Lovely post dear! Have a nice day! xx

    Vildana from Living Like V

  2. Hey dear!
    Love the bags ! <3

  3. Inspiration to get busy on my own closet!

  4. Hi Mimi
    I am sorry to hear that you suffer from migraines and have dealt with difficult surgery. that must be hard. I do understand out of sight out of mind, as I could use a display for my bags as well!
    Thanks for sharing and linking!
    jess xx

  5. Great post, my dear :) I followed you back.
    Have a nice evening
    My blog

  6. Great inspiration Mimi. I`m organized most of the time, but sometimes I just let things go crazy. Following you back! xoxo
    Vesna - Home Chic Club

  7. Wow amazing clothes, lovely items! So nice post.
    Enjoy in weekend! New post is on my blog! ♥
    Visit me, Malefica

  8. Mimi, I know migraines; and my first piece of organizing advice for anyone with a health issue is NEVER start something you can't finish. Not that I always follow that advice! :D

  9. Not completely organized but I LONG to get there. With teens/tweens it's hard to stay organized.

  10. My closet is a work in progress with organization, but I feel like I am getting there. I am the same way about things being out of sight and out of mind. My dust covers need to be used, too. Haha! I like how you have your clothing organized by colors and patterns. Thanks for linking up!

  11. According to my husband organization is the key to success. I laugh because the word is hardly in my vocabulary. I always plan on getting organized but never quite get to it.

  12. so, if you ever want to get rid of that louis vuitton watercolor bag then .... send me a message!

    1. Thank you for visiting. It is one of my favorites...
      and I never use it! I really should sell it because I have my eye on a Gucci & Chanel that are calling my name!!
      Best wishes, Mimi

  13. Mim, these are some great tips. My closet room is currently a mess and I am like you "out of sight out of mind" I need a better organization system...or maybe more space...or probably just fewer things! Thanks for linking up with me. This post is a featured favorite on my blog today!


    1. Thank you dear heart! I hope you are surviving the snow - it is so time for winter to be over - we will get a couple inches on Monday - yuk!
      Have a good weekend.

  14. I'm going to laugh and say I think you have a striped top addiction?? But I totally get it.
    And I'm the same way---things need to be out in the open to actually use them. I did buy a sweater oraganizer (the one that hangs from a rod) for my smaller purses and clutches.
    And then we bought cubbies for our jeans---that has been the best!!

  15. OMG I don't think I have ever seen so many striped tops together ?!!!
    I only have two wallets: the one I am using and another one. That's it. So yeah, get rid/sell/donate whatever you are not using.
    And here is one tip from my own closet via Pinterest:

  16. Interesting accessories!♥ Follow your blog back:)

    Blog: Witty Sweety
    Instagram: @witty_sweety

  17. I definitely need to get my closet more organized. But I am much too lazy! That ham and potato casserole looks amazing! I just ate lunch where I combined leftover potatoes, green beans, and bacon in a bowl and made it sort of like a casserole and it was super yummy. Thanks for linking up with me!

