My Party Places

Friday, February 23, 2018

Nothing tastes better than  chocolate that is 1/2 price!!
 M&M's look lovely in fine china bowls!!
So while I was in the drugstore to buy my favorites I picked up Maybelline's new eye & cheek palette: The City Kits - Pink Edge.
This copper color (2nd in from top right) will be nice for summer & fall.
There was good color pay-off without repeated swiping - there is no mirror or brush but for about $6 it is a great way to add a palette for travel - so if it gets lost or broken, no harm.  Drugstores are offering this line for B 1 - G one 1/2 off.

If you buy your knives from open stock you need a wooden block to protect the edges.  I have a variety of J A Henckels and bought a knife block at a thrift type store to protect the blades:
This sits on the island and the rubber tips on the bottom protect the surface and keep it from sliding around.  I only buy solid handles because the health inspector did not like the riveted handles and all kitchens had to pass inspection!!  I will confess I put my knives thru the dishwasher (on sanitize) and most people think they should be hand-washed.  I would prefer to sharpen the knife and know it is clean. Yep - I am a germ-o-phobe!!
And while I was out and about I found these lovely Chandelier Crystal Icicles that I will add to my Christmas tree this year:

Keep canned chicken in the pantry - it has so many uses.  My group loves chicken tacos.  I also use it for a replacement in tuna salad - substitute canned chicken ~ with the pasta, you have a simple lunch.
Canned chicken is also a nice addition to a chef's salad which makes an easy dinner.
I always wash my salad greens no matter how many times the package states they were washed before being shipped to the store!!!
Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                               Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. I agree with you chocolate is amazing, but if it's on sale that's even better! :)

    Minnah's Life

  2. Chocolate is the one of the best things in the world!
    Thank you for the post <3

  3. We also used canned chicken in chicken chili or even our chicken soup in a pinch.

  4. I lucked out on the after Valentine's day candy sale. I keep canned chicken but forget to use it, thanks for the reminder.

  5. Chili is a favorite in my house as well, yum! Oh, and of course, who doesn't love chocolate lol? Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  6. I don't buy canned chicken but I will. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing these tips at Keep In Touch. It's lovely you stopped by.

    1. Thank you for visiting & following - I am your newest follower! Your blog is lovely & I have added your blog party to my list.
      Thanks so much, Mimi

  7. I need to buy canned chicken! I bet it is delicious in chicken tacos.

    Enjoyed visiting,

    White Spray Paint

  8. The shades in the eyeshadow palette look great! Such a bargain too! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  9. I love the colours of the eye shadow pallet #trafficjamweekend@_karendennis
