My Party Places

Friday, February 23, 2018

Nothing tastes better than  chocolate that is 1/2 price!!
 M&M's look lovely in fine china bowls!!
So while I was in the drugstore to buy my favorites I picked up Maybelline's new eye & cheek palette: The City Kits - Pink Edge.
This copper color (2nd in from top right) will be nice for summer & fall.
There was good color pay-off without repeated swiping - there is no mirror or brush but for about $6 it is a great way to add a palette for travel - so if it gets lost or broken, no harm.  Drugstores are offering this line for B 1 - G one 1/2 off.

If you buy your knives from open stock you need a wooden block to protect the edges.  I have a variety of J A Henckels and bought a knife block at a thrift type store to protect the blades:
This sits on the island and the rubber tips on the bottom protect the surface and keep it from sliding around.  I only buy solid handles because the health inspector did not like the riveted handles and all kitchens had to pass inspection!!  I will confess I put my knives thru the dishwasher (on sanitize) and most people think they should be hand-washed.  I would prefer to sharpen the knife and know it is clean. Yep - I am a germ-o-phobe!!
And while I was out and about I found these lovely Chandelier Crystal Icicles that I will add to my Christmas tree this year:

Keep canned chicken in the pantry - it has so many uses.  My group loves chicken tacos.  I also use it for a replacement in tuna salad - substitute canned chicken ~ with the pasta, you have a simple lunch.
Canned chicken is also a nice addition to a chef's salad which makes an easy dinner.
I always wash my salad greens no matter how many times the package states they were washed before being shipped to the store!!!
Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                               Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

 For February, I thought you might enjoy this make up release calendar:
FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
There are several brands I use - I am definitely excited to see the March calendar which should have more spring releases.
It was very kind of this blogger to share with us.

It's Salon Day so I am treating the gals to Girl Scout cookies - it's a fun surprise for everyone.  They are so kind to accommodate my schedule!

My gang likes chili so a rainy weekend is perfect to try a copy cat version of Wendy's chili.
I cooked the hamburger fully and added onions & peppers. I added cans of tomato sauce & petite diced tomatoes and combined with chili,cumin salt & pepper, pinto beans & northern beans (I don't like kidney beans). I also added a pinch of oregano ~ I use it in almost everything but chocolate cake; hmmm............  I also added a pat of butter - I am sure the original recipe did not include this but my group will like it.
Cook for an hour on low and the last 20mins leave the lid off so it can thicken.  You can now adjust the salt & pepper as needed.
 I made seasoned french fries (I love black olives) and a salad - nice and comforting - this chili will also be delicious over nacho chips.

Hello, old friend (or enemy???!!!)
 This treadmill is down in my basement (guys have their own basement!!) ~ I really should go down there more ~ there is plenty to do!!

                                              Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items
The place for designer & high-end make up at a discount!

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                               Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Dry skin is no fun and I have tried a variety of things to combat the condition.  Curel Hydratherapy is an in-the-shower moisturizer that is easy to use.  Apply to the skin as you come out of the shower and pat dry.  It helps immediately but I prefer a longer acting moisturizer and have found argan oil/butter to be a better solution.  It lasts all day without being sticky and can add a soft fragrance.  I use it on GD all the time.
Since it is a yucky weather day, we need a lovely fragrance!
I am enjoying Estee Lauder Fragrance Treasures ~
I have worn Beautiful over the years and it is a nice floral as is Pleasures (the top 2).  I am not crazy about Modern Muse so I will give that away.  * This set is still available if you like this line ~ they are purse size sprays.  A convenient way to try out different scents.

I love crackers and they are my go-to snack when the migraines begin.  This is a fun grown-up version and makes a nice gift when you need a small, quick gift to take.  I made this frequently in my catering days and it was always popular.  Everyone has their version of this recipe so add any ingredients that you like.
Easy ranch snack mix
1 cup veg oil (You may not need the entire amount depending on how many ingredients are added)
1 packet of ranch dip mix
Add your favorite seasoning = oregano, dill, al purpose *I add a TBS of rosemary and a can of mixed nuts for adults
1 cup rice/wheat cereal - if you like it
1 bag of fish shaped cheddar crackers
1cup white cheddar crackers
1 bag oyster crackers
2cups small pretzels
1 cup peanuts

  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees 
  2. Combine oil and all flavorings
    On a baking sheet  combine the rest of the ingredients. Stir to mix.  Drizzle oil over the snack mixture ~ stir well.
Bake the mixture, stirring every 15 minutes for about 1/2 hour. Remove from oven and spread on paper towels. Cool.
    **Here are a zillion other options: 
                                               Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items
The place for designer & high-end make up at a discount!

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                               Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here