My Party Places

Thursday, April 27, 2017

I really like the No7 brand of cosmetics and my fussy skin is happy with all the products I have tried.
These 3 are used almost daily and have a wonderful feeling when applied.

Sephora recently had a 15% off promotion and though I did not get anything (this may be a first!)  I did find this page:
The items are travel size and would be a good way to try a new product.
Do share if you treated yourself to something wonderful!

Finally survived pneumonia long enough for an evening event - really, it took 3 days to recover!  My eyes still reveal I did not feel well but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.  Who knew it was so exhausting just to put make up on??!!!

I could not resist this Vivid Baked Highlighter by Revolution in London.
 This is Matte Lights and really does not deposit color - but it is a lovely sheen on the top of the cheek bones.  I swatched this heavily on the back of my hand so you can see - just use a brush to blend it.
This was inexpensive for the quality.  There are other colors with more shimmer so it is worth checking out.

I still have organizing on the brain so I picked this up while out:
There is a slide-out drawer underneath - and a small mirror -this was irresistible!

I got my Ulta order today (just before this was ready to post) and the very first thing I am trying is a new waterproof mascara:
                                       Cannonball Ultra Waterproof Mascara by Urban Decay.
 I admit to sleeping with my eye make up on (don't do that!) so I really love bullet-proof products.  It did not feel as full of product as it should for this price point but if it does the job I won't complain.  It will get a full day's wear tomorrow so we will know if it's a keeper next post.

Time to binge on "Blue Bloods" - can't resist since this family is full of cops!  Of course I could watch Tom Selleck all day - no matter what he was doing!

                                                 Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.


 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                                  Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Monday, April 17, 2017

I hope everyone is well.  I have never had pneumonia before but it was a rough go! 3 different antibiotics finally did the trick - I am not quite back to my normal energy level but surely in do time.

I collect organizers like a crazy person which is sort of surprising because I don't use that many!
This cotton tipped holder is one I do keep out and actually use!  It is easy to load from the top and then dispenses at the bottom.

I need texture for my short hair and I have been happy with this product: OGX Moroccan Sea Salt Spray.  It does not take but a few spritzes and then blow dry and it does smell good!  It really helps hold my style.

My newest trial in mascara is L'Oreal Voluminous Fiber Lashes. One of the most important things to me is that it is waterproof.

Are you trying something new - a product from one of the spring collections?  Let us know!

Don't beat yourself up... Chronic Migraines:    

 Etsy shop:

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                                 Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hello dear lovelies.  I hope you are well and doing some fun shopping, since I have not been able to ~ I would hate for the economy to tank!
Right now I have to deal with a kidney infection, strep throat and pneumonia - not fun!
But I will have some new pretties to show next time.
I am enjoying your blogs while on bed rest.
Please keep washing your hands (a 100 x a day!) and stay away from sick people !!!

I miss you all and will be back next week.
XXOO, Mimi