My Party Places

Thursday, April 27, 2017

I really like the No7 brand of cosmetics and my fussy skin is happy with all the products I have tried.
These 3 are used almost daily and have a wonderful feeling when applied.

Sephora recently had a 15% off promotion and though I did not get anything (this may be a first!)  I did find this page:
The items are travel size and would be a good way to try a new product.
Do share if you treated yourself to something wonderful!

Finally survived pneumonia long enough for an evening event - really, it took 3 days to recover!  My eyes still reveal I did not feel well but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.  Who knew it was so exhausting just to put make up on??!!!

I could not resist this Vivid Baked Highlighter by Revolution in London.
 This is Matte Lights and really does not deposit color - but it is a lovely sheen on the top of the cheek bones.  I swatched this heavily on the back of my hand so you can see - just use a brush to blend it.
This was inexpensive for the quality.  There are other colors with more shimmer so it is worth checking out.

I still have organizing on the brain so I picked this up while out:
There is a slide-out drawer underneath - and a small mirror -this was irresistible!

I got my Ulta order today (just before this was ready to post) and the very first thing I am trying is a new waterproof mascara:
                                       Cannonball Ultra Waterproof Mascara by Urban Decay.
 I admit to sleeping with my eye make up on (don't do that!) so I really love bullet-proof products.  It did not feel as full of product as it should for this price point but if it does the job I won't complain.  It will get a full day's wear tomorrow so we will know if it's a keeper next post.

Time to binge on "Blue Bloods" - can't resist since this family is full of cops!  Of course I could watch Tom Selleck all day - no matter what he was doing!

                                                 Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.


 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                                  Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Спасибо, что поделились своими впечатлениями ))

  2. great post my blogger friend...

  3. Great post. I am following you and I hope you follow back 😊. Have a nice weekend.

  4. Great products :)

  5. Sorry you're not feeling 100% yet - but you do look lovely. And thanks for linking up, xo


  6. Great post ^_^

    Would you like follow each other? If you like lieve comment on my blog and i follow you back :))

    New post

  7. Thanks for linking up to our Ageless Style Linkup party.

  8. Hi! I just found your blog through Andrea's link up. I love No.7 products, especially the serum. I noticed that you tried the Loreal Mascara. The lady at CVS talked me into buying it. I wasn't crazy about it. Have a great week.
