My Party Places

Friday, April 24, 2015

I am enjoying Tarte Maracuja Miracle Foundcealer- This foundation/concealer has a thin consistency but has good coverage and feels very light.  It can easily be used for under the eyes without build-up.
I don' t use a brush - just my fingers to smooth out.
Here are some of my empties ~ I am so rarely consistent, it takes forever to finish something up - even if I like it!
I love my chicken salad and can never wait for it to be ready!
Besides the usual suspects, I add celery seed, oregano, herbs de provence
and only dill pickles (never sweet).
But my group would rather have goodies over anything else.
If you still have pumpkin left over from winter baking, here is a nice recipe -
 Pumpkin Pie Crunch My gang loves the taste of pumpkin so this is on my list, though I plan to use extra cinnamon.

"Exercise?  I thought you said Accessorize!"

                         Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Friday, April 17, 2015

Whenever Ulta offers a 20% discount, I am done for!!!!!!!!
(No, this is NOT everything!!)
Since they carry drugstore and HE (high end) cosmetics, it is one-stop shopping!
I was surprised to see my items from Too Faced & Tarte reduced by 20% - but thrilled and used it as excuse to buy some things I was sort of on the fence about. Just the eye shadow was a $9 savings!
 Tartelette Matte Eye Shadow has been on my list and now I am happy to have it:
I have become a Tarte collector in the past year - I like the eye shadows & their mattes are very good.

The Too Faced Cocoa Contour really does smell like chocolate (ok, milk choc!!)
The Dark Choc will be used for the eye crease, as it is too dark for my fair skin ~
but the others will be perfect for summer.

The L'Oreal Nude 2 Palette will get a more in-depth review later - I like the colors in this set more than the first set so I am grateful it was not sold out.

The daily head pain has started so off I go for meds  - enjoy your day.

                                Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Monday, April 13, 2015

Being a person of persistence, I have found the Milani Rose Powder Blush that I was looking for!  I got the last 2 that were in stock and I really like both colors.
The Romantic Rose color could easily be used as contour on very fair skin.
Romantic Rose
Tea Rose

I think the information contained here is important - it is so vital not to share make up items.  I know it can seem that a simple swipe of a friends make up brush is innocuous but dangers may be present that we do not see:
I am the first to admit that I throw away my make up brushes routinely and since I have had a cold recently, my big powder brush is going in the trash!

These Revlon interlocking eye shadows are adorable!  I love these lilac & lavender colors and these will be great for traveling - much easier to see in the make up bag when interlocked.
My next update will show my Ulta 20% Off Haul!!  It was fun - things that I had been hesitating on are now mine!!!

  Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Monday, April 6, 2015

I recently found this list: make up blogs with the skin tone, hair & eye color of the writers.
I noticed there are almost no blondes with green eyes - surely we are not that rare a bird!
Since contouring is becoming such an important part of make up I think one of the easiest ways to contour is to use self tanner.  I like the Jergens Natural Glow in Fair.
Then, you can use your bronzer for all over color & highlighting.
I love this soft lavender bag.  Ever since I purchased my LV Noe, I have enjoyed the bucket style bag ~ though I tend to overload it!
This color will be wonderful thru fall. (It's a Kate Spade)
        Kate Spade New York Women's Kacey Lane Small Poppy Bucket Bag, Lilac Bliss, One Size

I have been on the search for the Milani Rose Blush but cannot find it.  It will last me for eternity because I use so little - it should be available at CVS but it has not been at any that I have visited. This is such a lovely rose color.
Rose Powder Blush
I recently read this article and saw myself!!!
Tarte, AmazeMint Lip Gloss, Organic Wear by Physicians Formula  ~
My one wish is that corps would not change the formulations of the prods I love!     Then I would not have to hoard!    Some things don't need improvement.
This color is Creamy Natural which is a perfect match for my winter skin.
 Here in the South most of us grew up on Krispy Kreme Donuts  - now, I prefer to pick up a box of hot ones when I am in town, but for those of you who love to bake, here is a copycat recipe for you to try:
Since it's the weekend, I have to bake ~ carrot cake muffins!
I'll save you some!
Coco Chanel Quotes 5

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