My Party Places

Friday, April 17, 2015

Whenever Ulta offers a 20% discount, I am done for!!!!!!!!
(No, this is NOT everything!!)
Since they carry drugstore and HE (high end) cosmetics, it is one-stop shopping!
I was surprised to see my items from Too Faced & Tarte reduced by 20% - but thrilled and used it as excuse to buy some things I was sort of on the fence about. Just the eye shadow was a $9 savings!
 Tartelette Matte Eye Shadow has been on my list and now I am happy to have it:
I have become a Tarte collector in the past year - I like the eye shadows & their mattes are very good.

The Too Faced Cocoa Contour really does smell like chocolate (ok, milk choc!!)
The Dark Choc will be used for the eye crease, as it is too dark for my fair skin ~
but the others will be perfect for summer.

The L'Oreal Nude 2 Palette will get a more in-depth review later - I like the colors in this set more than the first set so I am grateful it was not sold out.

The daily head pain has started so off I go for meds  - enjoy your day.

                                Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. I don't have that particular Tarte palette, but I agree, their mattes are very good. (I have the MATTEnificent palette -- thanks to your recommendation, I think!)

  2. I am a Tarte fan too - I love their Amazonian Clay powder foundation. Good day shopping! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

  3. I love that Ulta sends out coupons! And I've been eyeing that Too Faced palette for a while!

  4. I really love those colors! My teen has been asking me to take her to Ulta...I think it's time I gave in and bought us some pretties :-) I'm going to have to find out how to get that 20% discount!

    1. Hi Miranda and thank you for visiting -
      the easiest way to get Ulta discounts is
      to sign up for email notices; these can be
      used at the store or on-line.
      All the best to you!

  5. These palettes are so pretty! I have a collection of the UD Naked palettes, but may have to look into these too :)

  6. When I saw the Tartelette colors, I wanted to buy them too :) Thanks for sharing your lovely post at Together on Tuesdays! It's great to have you with us!!!

  7. I need to use my points and coupon (hope it hasn't expired), I need a new curling iron. Ultra is a dangerous place for my wallet.


    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  8. Love it! Whenever they have 20% off everything I go crazy ahha!

  9. I have never been to Ultra, but there isn't one far from me and I have been meaning to check it out. I didn't know they carried some higher end cosmetics. I need to get on their mailing list for one of these 20% coupons for the future! I love that Loreal palette you came home with.

  10. some great colours in that palette, feel better soon. Thanks for linking up and I hope to see you next week

  11. Love all the colors! Perfect for spring and summer!
    Thanks for Sharing on the Shine Blog Hop!
