My Party Places

Friday, August 29, 2014

Watching the Emmys (as I bounce around the channels) it was nice to see many of the women dressed tastefully with a nod to old Hollywood glamour.  There was a large range of red colors that looked lovely on almost everyone.

Speaking of color, here are some of Pantone's previous selections for color of the year:

Apparently the nine palettes for 2015 are: Style-Setting, Abstractions, Botanicum, Zensations, Urban Jungle, Tinted Medley, Past Traces, Serendipity and Spontaneity.
I am thinking a grayish-green would fall into these categories - it would probably not be my cup of tea but I could certainly see it in eye shadows & would give it a try.

The love of my life celebrated his 9th birthday recently and this child just gets sweeter with every passing day.  We made a Jurassic Park birthday cake & little sister 'helped'!
(white t-shirts are great for baking because you can bleach the frosting out!)

Wishing you good times & happy memories........

Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Love those Pantone colors! I never thought about white shirts for that reason but that is a great idea as my daughter gets older!

  2. Aren't those colours just beautiful? The cake looks pretty amazing too! Thank you for joining Renae & I over at Fashion Item Friday! Ax

  3. Look like they had a great time! Dinosaurs and boys just go together flawlessly. Always a hit!
    Thanks for your well wishes. Ya, I don't have hardly any symptoms. Feeling great!

  4. hello pretty, that beauty, I liked your post and your blog.

    Would you like to follow each other? let me know.

    1. Your blog is lovely - thank you for visiting
      & I will be happy to follow each other.
      Have a great weekend!

  5. I am excited about the new fall colors! And, that Jurassic Park cake looks pretty amazing!! My son just turned 8, how does time fly!!

  6. nice photo
    would you like follow each other?
    i'll follow back after that ^_^

  7. Hello dear! Panetone marks the colours and those 3 are perfect for the new season!
    Yo did a really nice cake full of dinosaurs!!
    This is a very cute blog and i stay here! ;)
    hope you like mine too, i have a new post: navy style
    see u soon

  8. Love the family pics! Quite a cake :-) I have tried gel nail polish, and it never lasts as long as it says. Not even a week. Love the second color you chose too. Happy Labor day. Stop by if you can, I am on Part II of my Charleston vacation
    from the link up,
    please stop by, jess

  9. Thanks for sharing your adventure. I'll have to take a look at my veins, see if I'm a cool character or not! Happy to see you again at #theWeekendSocial. Hope to see you again Thursday 9:00 PM EST. Pinned!
