My Party Places

Sunday, August 24, 2014

If you would like a bunch of southern blog reading to be available to you all the time, bookmark this site:
There are plenty of nice blogs for all ages & it will entertain you on a rainy day!

I received the current issue of Instyle & it is huge!  I saw a great Fendi gray bag but could not find it on line:
I do not have a gray bag so that oversight must be rectified  - of course the Prada was not too shabby either:
 My fall bags tend to be darker colors: I love this bag & have never used it - It's Dooney & Bourke:
I seem to be drawn to texture.
Are you planning to buy a new purse this season?

 I could not believe Mr. 4 40yrs brought home an almost duplicate to my beloved car:
It's a shade darker but that's ok because he thinks I may need a smaller version of my Cadillac.  So I will wait for this:

But curious minds wonder if this small car can hold the Ulta & Sephora hauls..........??

Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Aah, I love that Dooney bag (and all the others too!). Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

  2. Yes, I am following you - the pictures you use are lovely - you have a great eye for detail.
    All the happiness you can hold is on it's way!

  3. Nice Blog ! Follow each other on GFC? Let me know

    Have a nice day ! Rabea <3

  4. This blog is amazing lovely! I was wondering, would you like to follow each other?
    If yes, follow me and let me know! I'll follow back instantly :) Have a nice day!

    1. Good day my dear; I will be happy to follow and if I may suggest to you, find a translate button for your blog - it will help you reach more people easily.
      Thank you for visiting and I look forward to reading your blog.

  5. Love texture in bags too! The Fendi is my favorite! Great choices. Have a wonderful week
    From the link up,
    Please stop by, jess

  6. Hello Mimi , first thank you for leaving a sweet comment on my little blog, what can I say your blog post is about a great passion of mine HANDBAGS !!! ( Lol ).
    A great post loved all the bags, I loved the colour of your bag, Best wishes to you.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting - when you tire of that
      gorgeous red handbag just let me know - I will be
      happy to jump on a plane & come and get it!!!!!
      It is too beautiful for words!
      Thank you for sharing.

  7. Love these handbags and your handbag is very the texture!


  8. I love the orange handbag. I bought 5 textured handbags last week.

    1. You go girl!!!!!!!!!!
      We would love to see them - enabling is
      so much fun!!!!!
      Thanks for sharing.

  9. You have a great blog!! :)
    Well I was wondering if we could follow each other via gfc? visit my blog and let me know if you ara my new follow and I will follow back right away!! :)nos leemos pronto, muchos pinkiebesitos desde ☛: PINKIELICIUS
    ★ ♛✩ ❀ ✿ ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ ❤♥

  10. Haha too funny about the cars holding up in Ulta hauls! Stopping by from Shanna's link up :)

  11. I haven't even opened that InStyle - too large - lol Hopped over from Katherine's Corner - have a great holiday weekend.

  12. I love the Prada bag... and, oh my! The car, too! I have yet to go in an Ultra, I know... I need to get going on that!!! Thanks for linking up with What Wives Wear!
