My Party Places

Friday, January 31, 2014

Apparently the cool chickens have started incorporating the color of the year!

I so want shoes in this color!

Before I messed up my back I found this & thought it was a bargain:
10 brushes for $10!!  No, they aren't brushes I will keep forever but I am bad to throw my brushes away instead of clean them - I confess!  The upside is that if I don't like them, there is not a big investment.
But I do like these brushes and they are easy to find:
There is a large variety & different sizes and they are very soft which is important with sensitive skin.
I have been up long enough - I walked into the kitchen thinking I was craving something but did not find anything, so I will just go take the pain meds & call it a day!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

About 2 weeks ago I broke my back and by the next weekend my friend, Sandy, had brought over lasagna, beef stew, french bread & brownies - and her friendship.
I wish a friend like her, for everyone.  I cannot imagine not having her in my life.
No, we don't talk every day and may go over a month and not see each other.  But whatever life hands us, we know we don't have to go it alone.
Do yourself a favor and find that special friend - the one you would walk thru fire for.
It's the ultimate gift you can give yourself.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I prefer matte eye shadows and I realize a little shimmer can be nice for evening but for most of us as we get older anything glittery highlights all the wrong things!
I liked this as soon as it arrived in my email:
Tarte - Be MATTEnificent Amazonian Colored Clay Matte Eye & Cheek Palette
 Tarte Be MATTEnificent Amazonian Colored Clay Matte Eye & Cheek Palette:
 This set contains:
* 2 x 0.1185 oz Eye shadow in Dream in Chocolate, Don't Stand Black
* 6 x 0.0758 oz Eye Shadow in Sand Out From the Crowd, Peach for the Stars, Two Plums Up, Pink Outside the Box, Rose to the Occasion, View From the Taupe
* 0.1544 oz Amazonian Clay 12-hour Blush in Elevated
* Double-ended eye shadow brush

I have green eyes & always thought these shades are just right for my eye color.

Since I am supposed to be flat on my back, I will have to get this thru mail order but it will be worth the wait.
If you have had to stay in bed for long periods of time how did you keep yourself amused?  I am becoming bored quickly- a broken back is not a vacation!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Isn't snow wonderful - when it's somewhere else?!!
Snow everywhere 

I am loving the shades of this eye shadow-

This is inexpensive NYX 'Love in Rio' & went on smoothly with nice color payoff.
Since I hurt my back, I can't get out for a while but I can definitely shop in my dressing room where there are plenty of unopened products.

Tomorrow my 2 little munchkins come for a visit:
Seeing those sweet faces will really make me feel better.
I have sat up long enough so back in bed to rest.  Please be careful if you are dealing
with bad weather & stay safe.

Monday, January 13, 2014

I want to tell everyone to please be careful on the roads especially after a storm. It only takes a second for the car to go off the road and you end up with a broken back.  It is not fun & very painful. I am looking at months of recovery and having to be immobile - not my idea of a good time.
Please be very careful and if in doubt just stay home; I want only the best for all of you.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

We are expecting cold temps & freezing rain here in the South, so let's think about the beauty of the coming spring..........
If you like Dior, you have to see the spring collection  - have mercy, these are beautiful!

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Some of the items are starting to appear in Macy's & Nordstrom's & Sephora should be stocking soon so we can use our VIB points.

I was recently watching a cooking show whereby the woman was making macaroni salad - as she proceeded to add sweet pickles AND additional sugar, I almost lost consciousness!  We do not do it like that here in the South - it's just not done!
This sister girl completely gets it:
Here's mine:

Remember you can't buy happiness but you can buy wine!

Don't rely on someone else to make you feel complete! Be with someone who loves all of you completely! ❤

Friday, January 3, 2014

What I might be 'wearing' in the new year..........
As I channel surfed today, I saw the movie "Sex in the City" was on and I happened to stop when the indefatigable Samantha states, 'Yes, I love you but I love me more'.
Southern girls are reared (you raise corn, you rear children) to put everyone ahead of themselves - to put ourselves first in line is a mind-blowing concept - and I am willing to give it a try!
Love actually  -  that is what I may be wearing in the new year - and I think it will look great on me!

Organization is on my mind & I use a variety of make up brushes - so I found this paint brush holder & it is the perfect fit for my vanity:

I also want to organize some of my everyday make up & the items must coordinate with my decorating scheme, so I bought some of these boxes that will look pretty on my armoire:
Now if I can keep everything in its place, life will be good!

If you visit, please feel free to leave your site in the comments section, as I am happy to follow back - it's fun to discover new blogs.

My thought for the day:
Do not let your past rob your future. Each new day is a chance to make a new beginning. Count your blessings, live with gratitude and love with all your heart.