My Party Places

Sunday, January 5, 2014

We are expecting cold temps & freezing rain here in the South, so let's think about the beauty of the coming spring..........
If you like Dior, you have to see the spring collection  - have mercy, these are beautiful!

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Some of the items are starting to appear in Macy's & Nordstrom's & Sephora should be stocking soon so we can use our VIB points.

I was recently watching a cooking show whereby the woman was making macaroni salad - as she proceeded to add sweet pickles AND additional sugar, I almost lost consciousness!  We do not do it like that here in the South - it's just not done!
This sister girl completely gets it:
Here's mine:

Remember you can't buy happiness but you can buy wine!

Don't rely on someone else to make you feel complete! Be with someone who loves all of you completely! ❤


  1. Thank you for sharing and joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. I am leaving some hugs on your sweet blog

  2. Love the quote in the last picture!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  3. Thanks so much for stopping by and linking with us on Twirl and Take a Bow! Hope to see you again any Tuesday! ~Tammy
