My Party Places

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

When I was recently at Sephora my SA used Hourglass Veil Mineral primer on my face before applying my make up.  It was a hot Southern day so of course my face was flushed when I arrived.  This primer immediately corrected the redness & gave a matte look.  She then used it under my eyes like a concealer!  Since I use retinoids, sometimes concealers can cake - this product did not.  It just takes a small dot of this silky primer to do its magic.  I happily handed over my credit card for this product!  Oh, by the way, it also has SPF!  I am crazy for this product & of course the Lighting Powders.
I am not affliated with this company in any way but in case you live out on 30ac like I do, I am sharing a link to the website so you can see all the wonderful products available:

Is fall coming your way?  It is here & the leaves are starting to change - my absolute favorite time of year.
Which of course means I am starting my Christmas shopping (well, really did it during the summer!).
I got this for a dear teenager- it was bought at Ulta & I am sure she will enjoy it. (There is a protective cover over the eye shadows so that is why they are not so bright.)  There are applicators, eyeliners, blushes & a small carryall - OK, I liked it so well I bought another one for myself!

I am known for using lip balm & now my beloved Baby Lips is in colors!
Thank you for sharing part of your day with me!


  1. Welcome Kristen - if you have a blog, let me know & I will follow back.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I'm a new follower, love your blog so far:DD
    And I love the baby lips too!!

    1. Thank dear heart!! - It is a pleasure to have you here & I am now your newest follower!!
