My Party Places

Monday, September 9, 2013

I have been feeling bleh lately so the only thing to do is go see my best friends:
Ulta & Sephora!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I had time, I inquired about the new color match technology at Sephora & if I needed an appt. Nope - Miss Candance had me seated immediately and explained so much - how this technique was designed for Sephora and once you are color matched you have a wide range of choices - do you prefer liquid or powder foundation - matte, natural etc.  The info is then sent to your email so you don't have to remember all the choices.  It was a great experience.  I don't think I have had the correct color of foundation in my lifetime. But with this little tool we found the right color for me in powder which is what I prefer this time of year.  She was very knowledgeable  and lovely to work with.  By the way, my color is 1R06.   I chose a Laura Mercier powder foundation - a line I have never tried.
While there, I also bought another Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Mood Light - this has just the sheerest hint of pink.  This is not shimmery but produces a lovely glow - I am crazy for this product.  There is also a light bronzer color that would just give the sheerest color in winter.

Ok, I am crazy for some high end brands as much as the next girl but I am NOT spending $100 for blush - yep, that is my line in the sand.  And you know in the back of your mind there is a similar/replica out there somewhere.  I want this economy to straighten up & fly right but my spending astronomical amounts on products that I will probably not use every day is not the way to go - come on honestly, do you not have other blushes that you thought you could not live without??  We all have done it - and we are wiser for it.
Rant off !
So on this note, let me give a shout out to NYX Cosmetics - I found this eye shadow at my drugstore & it has been sitting around unused - no reason other than I just have not taken the time to play with it.  So of course, I had to knock it off my vanity & it fell flat on the floor.  Before I picked it up I assumed I would be throwing it away since it would be a smashed powdery mess.  NO!!!!!!!!!!  Not one little edge flaked off!
I was nicely surprised that it was well made because it was not expensive.  I plan on trying other products simply because I had a good experience with this brand.

Some of the leaves are starting to change here so the beauty of fall is about to begin.  I love the colors of fall and enjoy decorating for the season.
Here's wishing you a beautiful season.


  1. Hi Lovely. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am your newest follower. I can't believe it that you are turning 60. You are so beautiful. I love your awesome blog. Stay in Touch. :)

  2. You are precious - I will have to put you in the will!!!
    Your blog is lovely & I am glad I am following!

  3. I hope that you feel less bleh!! :) That illuminating powder looks divine! :D

    I just found your blog and am a new follower! ^-^
