My Party Places

Friday, October 29, 2021

 I got a small Ulta haul - I love things that can be delivered to my house. I don't like leaving the hubby alone. He took himself off chemo for a week and feels better. I am not sure the Dr. will be thrilled.

The Ulta lip balm is wonderful. I know the color appears strong but it actually goes on lighter and it is not drying - this color is Berry Baie - I will buy this again. The Neutrogena Collagen Serum is new to me so I am excited to try this - anything to keep the wrinkles away!!

I plan to have a new post soon. Mr. 4 47yrs is feeling some better since some of the chemo treatment has stopped.

So what you have you bought recently.........that I need!!!!!!!!!!

Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

                                               Etsy shop                                            

(currently closed)

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                           Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Hi there, that's a lovely haul, enjoy your new products!

  2. Thank you Victoria! I hope you are having a lovely fall season.
    We are getting things together for Thanksgiving. Since my husband has stomach cancer he will not be the main chef this year but it is a good time for our son to take over - he's middle-aged!!!!!!

  3. Like the look of the ulra lip balm as my lips are always dry in winter

  4. Thanks for your dedication and hard work in creating this blog

  5. Thank you for writing and sharing this
