My Party Places

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My surgeon is not going to be happy with me - I have taken my caste off as it was irritating to the skin and I want the scar to heal properly. But I will put the caste back on before I go in the office!  I think I am doing fairly well; this will be short since it is still difficult to type.

This is Revlon's Shine 015 - Dazzle Me Pink. It really has a nice pink color that appears darker in the photos. It is soft and has a light shine. Though I am usually a gloss girl this is definitely in the rotation.

I am also back to using Roc Multi Correxion 5in 1 daily moisturizer - I use this on the back of my hands & the scar. It has SPF 30 and is gentle on my sensitive skin. Have you tried it & what did you think?

Do you have any projects that are keeping you busy during quarantine? I have been fiddling around with cross stitch, getting ready for GS's birthday and tidying up shelving.  It is our 2nd week with temps in the 90's.  So far the children will not go back to school for the first 9 weeks and will have to use virtual learning - I plan to keep them up here for several days each week.
Here are a couple of stitching  designs I ordered - the Blackbird booklet has lots of great designs.

 All these projects are in this booklet by Black Bird designs.
This chart is adorable and I plan to make a sampler from it - O Tannenbaum by
Brenda Gervais.

Be well and I am thinking about everyone that endured the hurricane.

Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

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~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
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