My Party Places

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess is one of my favorite summer scents.
So when I saw the Exfoliating Body Cleanser I knew it had to come home with me (oh, ok, I bought 2!!)
The scent is exactly like the perfume so you have fragrance every time you shower.  I just may have to go back for more!!!

Ulta had Kenra products on sale and these are some I keep around all the time.
Someone mentioned to me that Ulta will have one of their 20% off everything sales in April ~ so in preparation I have been going thru some of my favorite things to re-order.
I really like No7 products but I am not as consistent as I should be.  There is good science behind the products and my sensitive skin likes these items.
So what are you going to load up on? very kindly featured by front door wreath.  Their weekly blog is fun and has many creative ideas - do stop by!!

This precious angel starts high school this fall.
I cannot believe time has gone by so quickly - I think I will just hide him in the closet and keep him for myself!  He is everything I wanted in a grandchild and I love him more than my next breath.

** Be sure to hop over to Nicole's blog and see some more of us beauty bloggers (I was featured!).
She is very stylish and super nice!
Thank you so much - it is rare beauty bloggers are featured no matter how many times we link up.  Great outfits need make up - like champagne needs bubbles!!!!!!!!

                                                         Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


                                                                Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Estee Lauder was having an event and with this wonderful purchase I received the lovlies below.  This cream is heavenly and absorbs quickly - I am sure to use this before going out since it has SPF.
And then I got this free!  The highlighter Heatwave
I need another highlighter like I need another hole in my head (and I've had 4 brain surgeries!) but this is too beautiful to resist.
These samples just make me love the products more - EL knows my weakness!  I keep these small samples for traveling.
I put these creams on morning and night, sometimes adding argan oil afterwards ~ especially with the awful cold we have had in the South.

I have been seeing this type of shoe everywhere ~ which is great because I love them!
Mules with embroidery seem to be a lovely trend this year.  I keep these shoes for Christmas but I definitely need to add some more.

The Grands were here this weekend and finally got to see snow - and of course GD had to bring me the daffodils she found (I had forgotten about them!).
 Then it was time to come in and get hot chocolate - they were soaked!  They both will need new snow boots for next winter.

 I am not quite done with the spring wreath-it needs a new bow.

I was fiddling on the internet and came across a post whereby someone was befuddled over SEOs, the elements of traffic, back links, significant data, click funnels(???) & platforms.
Oh my stars!!!  I do not know what half this stuff is.  My content is inspired by what is happening in my life and what I think will be of interest to others.  My degree is in English not engineering!

 Grandkids Spoiled?  YES!
* If you mess with me you are messing with my Mimi - you do not want that ~ it will not end well for you*
Daily Morning Funny Picdump 11 (31 Photos) -13
(Sorry ~ I got on a roll since the Grands were here this weekend!)

                                              Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 
~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Let me go ahead and unload!  Blogs with the embedded videos that blare at you with NO way to stop is just awful. Honestly, those are automatic migraine triggers - please have mercy on us migraineurs!
Are you really making enough to justify annoying your readers? Something to consider......

Ok, now on to the fun stuff!  Josie Maran Whipped Argan Oil Body Butter, 8 Oz &13 oz in Self Tanning & Unscented.
This is a staple in my house.  While fiddling around on the internet I was surprised to find this product more expensive at wall-world than on qvc.  I only buy these products when there is a good discount or free shipping.  I do not want to run out (in case of zombie apocalypse!) so I stock pile (hoard is a harsh word!).
I was just surprised to find a higher price on a site that is known to be discounted.

These were included with this
 I was not happy with the big glob missing from the body butter but QVC made an adjustment so it has ended well.  This coral color is not so intense as it appears and is very creamy - it's not for me but someone will want it.  The argan sugar scrub is nice and this is unscented - it really does make more sense to use sugar, as salt scrubs can absorb moisture.

Let me introduce you to these bloggers who kindly featured my snack mix from last week.
Their site is a lot of fun and always have interesting articles. Wednesday is their blog hop day - hop on over and share your goodies.  Thank you ladies !!!

The headache monster is on the way and I have not done one load of laundry today.  The weather has been wonky and that does not help - we go from cold & snowy to 60 degrees!
Be well loves.

Migraine & Headache Awareness Month 2013 infographic #migraineinfographics #headacheinfographic

                                                  Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items   (no fees)
   **New items listed ~
  The places for designer & high-end make up at a discount! 

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                             Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here