My Party Places

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Spring is on the way so it is time to wear my favorite color ~ Pink!
I rarely wear the bracelet but I am happy to look at it!  As GD says - This will be mine someday!
I tend to be cold so I wear the t-shirts under the velour hoodie - even during the summer ~ why do restaurants have to be so cold??!!!!
Unfortunately these eyes are getting a migraine - heaven forbid I should go a day without one! Migraineurs ~ when you are getting sick do you crave anything?  I have found over the years I turn to carbs.  If I am out, french fries help me - it seems to turn down the nausea that always starts with the head pain.  This has never stopped the migraine but it beats being nauseous!!  The food does help me take my meds - and keep them down.  Do you have a go-to food/drink?
Also pain sufferers ~ you probably know that pain can increase your blood pressure which can make you feel worse.  Be mindful and listen to your body - take the time to rest and slow down until you begin to feel better.  Please take care of yourself.

I have almost finished half this bottle of Jimmy Choo perfume.  This scent includes caramel and tiger orchid and is sultry and softly smokey.  Very long lasting fragrance.        I will probably buy this again.

Easy butter & stuffing chicken ~ crispy chicken without frying!
Bake 350deg - I like mine very well done so I left this in the oven 11/2 hrs
Stuffing box mix - put in a zipped bag and mash the stuffing to small pieces
Melt butter in shallow dish to dredge the chicken
Have a sheet pan lined with foil
Pat chicken in stuffing crumbs and add salt & pepper-I also added some oregano
Place on pain and bake- I did not turn the chicken - just let it bake until done.
The chicken was moist and flavorful.
I added a baked potato and corn for dinner - so easy!
My gang liked this and the chicken thighs have been.69 cent a lb lately - a very good price for the main dish.
*^. ^* Next week  I will share my snack mix I made during my catering days including the adult version - delicious & easy!

                                                Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.,pgr,211269,owner_id,other_items
The place for designer & high-end make up at a discount!

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                               Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. That chicken looks yummy! Thanks for sharing with us at Love to Learn.

  2. хороший пост получился

  3. Chicken looks delicious! I'll have to give this recipe a try.

  4. You look all set for Spring - and Valentine's Day, too! Pink is definitely your colour :) Thanks for sharing that chicken recipe - look delicious!

  5. I've had a bug for the last few days with nausea and I got some McDonald's fries today and they worked fine!!! Your pick jacket looks so comfy--I sewed some fleece into a tunic last week=sure is soft.

  6. That is a lovely photo of you. HPS! Catching up with bloggers here at Pink Saturday. Love the pink jacket. I use muscle rub on my face when I have a migraine. Having had so much neurosurgery so many years ago left me with the miserable migraines. I can't take any of the medications they push and use yoga and old fashioned remedies to spare myself the pain of them. Through the years they have gotten so much better. The french fries , are quite an interesting helper. Thank you for sharing today. Have a great weekend. HUGS

  7. The chicken looks delicious. I made something similar to that once, but instead of dipping it in butter, I dipped the chicken in cream of chicken soup!

  8. Fried chicken, potatoes and corn is my favorite comfort food meal! This baked version made with stuffing sounds like a delicious change. Lovely picture of you! Thank you for sharing on Party in Your PJ's!

  9. That pink is so lovely!! I'm so glad that it's in style because I see it everywhere!!

  10. The chicken recipe sounds delicious, and "easy" is a word I truly like! Sorry about your migraines. I used to get them very frequently and found that a strong dose of caffeine really helped me if I caught it in time. Otherwise, it was complete silence and a very darkened room & a bathroom close by. I haven't had one in years.

    Feel better!

  11. So many interesting thoughts here. I started using a peppermint scented lotion before Christmas and I must confess that I'm kid of obsessed with peppermint still.
    Thanks for all the suggestions for party mix. My family loves this stuff!
