My Party Places

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Ulta's Prep Protect and Glow kit has products I have not tried before so this is an economical way to test items with sun protection.
I did not care for the lip balm - it has a 'taste' (the box states it's a coconut/lime flavor) - but 30 SPF.  I will have to be desperate to use this!
The St Tropez Gradual Tan in shower is an interesting concept.  While still in the shower, you slather this cream on and wait for 3 mins then rinse off - the color should develop by the next day.  So far the color has been very faint.

Face Tan by Tan Towel is easy to use and gives a nice color - there are 15 towelettes - this I would buy again.
In conjunction with this the NKD Skin gradual glow tan moisturizer will keep the color going and keep the skin soft.
The Coola make up setting spray is so tiny there will only be a couple of uses but could be useful on vacation.
I like the Neutrogena Beach Defense with 70 SPF sunscreen.
Hempz Yuzu & Starfruit Daily Herbal Body Moisturizer is new to me and has a nice scent.
All things being equal I will probably buy this kit again.

                         PANTONE'S FALL COLORS FOR 2017

Color Palette for New York
“Bookended by a dynamic Grenadine red and a tawny Autumn Maple, the color palette for Fall 2017 leans more to warmth, “ says Eiseman. “While comforting, enveloping colors and ease are crucial to the seasonal feeling, standout shades include a pale pink Ballet Slipper, a refreshing Golden Lime, and a bright Marina blue. These hues add a striking touch when paired with the classic autumnal shades of Navy Peony, Neutral Gray, Butterrum and Tawny Port.
PANTONE Fashion Color Report Fall 2017, New York
These are ok - I do like the pink Ballet Slipper which would work well with the Neutral Gray which I wear a lot of.  These are very classic colors so we should get a lot of wear from these for years to come.  What color speaks to you?

What did you get at the Nordstrom sale?  I got my beloved perfume Flowerbomb!

I am low on the perfume and hair mist!


 The only way to start the morning ~ mocha cafe and cinnamon doughnut!

                                                Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                                 Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Hi dear,
    i'm new follower on your cute blog, can you follow me on my blog?
    <3 <3 <3

    1. Thank you for visiting and your blog is lovely. I was not able to leave a comment but I did follow you.
      Have a good week, Mimi

  2. Flowerbomb is really great. :) My newest perfume is Issey Miyake l'Eau d'Issey, love it.
    Have a great week ahead!
    Xoxo, Victoria

  3. Great post!
    Have a nice day, dear!

    I follow you!

    1. Thank you so much - I have followed you for a while-have a great day!

  4. Great post! I love your blog! I follow you, please follow me back. :)

    1. Thank you visiting - your blog is lovely and I am following you. Hope you are having a nice summer.

  5. Thanks for your visit and following back. I am following you allready😊

  6. The coola spray is really good. I got one from a subscription box and ended up being the full size. I am really excited for this years fall colors. Even though I don't want summer to end, I'm excited to dig into fall with great colors in mind.
    Thank you for linking up with Weekend Wear


  7. Lovely review and great info on colors for this Fall. Thank you for sharing your post on my Fine-Whatever link up.


  8. Pantone's fall colours are lovely. Thanks for linking up with Style With a Smile!

    Emma xxx
