My Party Places

Friday, June 16, 2017

I have been on bronzer overload for a while and many that I bought are just too dark for me.  I will probably sell the ones I have not used - but finding a lighter version has been hard.
I think this is too much for my coloring so I will try the new Hoola in Lite and it might be a keeper:
It is a matte finish so no sparkles and it does not go orange.  This is much better for my skin tone than the original Hoola bronzer: (which I never used!)

These are some bronzers I own that are too dark  - so they have to go:
 (Though sometimes when my face gets red it means my blood pressure is high, which it was because I have no blush on - I guess I should take my medication!!)

The grand children will be here for a few days so I must make spaghetti - I normally make my sauce in advance so the flavors blend.  If you are a working woman please make life easier by using prepared sauces.  There are some excellent ones in the store which help reduce your prep time.  Also during the heat of summer there is no reason to stand over a hot stove for hours making sauce from scratch - you have more 'funner' things to do !!!

 I bought Ulta's Illuminator and love it!  It is a soft peachy color with no sparkles.
This is lovely brushed across the cheekbones - then with the ring finger tap it around the eyes and anywhere there may be hollowness - it will reflect light back and give a brightness to the face - this is great for all year.

                                                 Etsy shop:
New things will be listed everyday as the brick & mortar shop is closed.

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                                 Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Красивые бронзеры

  2. Nice makeup :)

  3. I didn't know there was a Hoola Lite...I need to try it! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  4. Wow, how beautiful collection :D
    I love blush!

    Moj mali kutak

  5. Your make-up choices always inspire! Thanks for linking up, and I'll have a bite of that spaghetti : >

    xo, -Patti

  6. Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style linkup party. The salad looks delicious.

  7. I like your pink and black outfit. Great makeup. You are the Queen of makeup, at least in my eyes! Thanks for joining the Ageless Style Link up party.
