My Party Places

Friday, January 20, 2017

I am a big fan of Kenra hair products and stock up when they have a sale.
I got the Texturizing Wax as I have a lot of layers in my hair that need definition.  This is a good product in mousse form but you do not need a lot - I tend to be heavy-handed so I know from experience!  Just  a small amount will do the job.
The Thickening Spray & Blow Dry Mist (thermal protectant) are nice to have in my stockpile and I add these first after shampooing - then blow dry - then add the wax which is really only needed on the ends of the layers - not especially on the roots ~ remember ~ not too much!
                                               Yes, alas, this is what 63 looks like ..........

I recently ordered this Purple Smokey Look Kit from NYX - 9 eye shadows & 2 lip colors with applicators.  I have always heard that green eyes should go for the  lavender/purple shadows and I have a zillion of them - so of course I needed this one!
 This is the appearance of the eye shadows from top to bottom-there were no names listed.  The first one (#1 shown on my arm) would be nice for the crease or as an eyeliner.
If you click on the pic it should get bigger.

It is a small compact and I will never use the lip colors - there are a few shimmer eye shadows in this set but not over the top -  I really do like these colors!
But there is fallout so keep a powder brush handy!

I rarely use this under eye concealer mainly because it is dry - I usually mix it with moisturizer and then apply but I am still not crazy about it - which is a shame because it has good ingredients.  I purchased the medium color but it was not a great match.  At least I got a little use out of it.

I am using Argan Oil regularly - it really absorbs quickly.  I use it on the face, neck and the back of my hands.  It has been unusually cold here in the South (6 deg!!) so I am using this in conjunction with upping my water intake.  It is a great moisturizer.
 What are some of your favorite moisturizers?  I can always use some more!

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 

~ All items purchased by me unless otherwise noted ~
                                  Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Great products :)
    I love your blog :)

  2. Beautiful colours, they suit you well! :)

    Enter our giveaway and win Aussie dry shampoo! :)
    GIVEAWAY - Aussie!

  3. Great products :) LOVE Your Blog

  4. Those pinks a gorgeous! Thanks for linking up with me On the Edge.


  5. Thanks for the review of Bye Bye concealer - I have been considering it but now now as much! Your hair always looks fab, so keep on keeping on : > Thanks for sharing, xo


  6. I've been finding most concealers too drying recently....still looking! You look amazing - at any age!


  7. I like the Kenra products too! Love the body in your hair. I use Mac concealer or Nars.
    thanks for linking
    jess xx

  8. The products are working. I love your hair!

  9. I love this blog! It's a refreshing twist to what I usually find on my linkups! I like it! Love your makeup pics! I'm a sephora junkie myself! And Kenra is great :) And 63 looks fabulous on you! :) Excited to follow and nice to meet you!

    1. It is wonderful to have you here - I hope you are having good weather!
      Have a great week, Mimi

  10. I use argan oil for my hair, but never considered it for my skin. Thanks so much for the tip and joining Fabulous Friday!

  11. Do not wear make up but green used to be a favourite when I did to bring our my brown yes

  12. These look like great products! Your hair is so cute!

  13. Great post! I follow you, and you can follow me.

  14. Great post! I follow you, and you can follow me.

  15. Great post!

  16. Love this post!! Thank you for sharing with Linkupwithlisa @

  17. Thanks for linking up to the Ageless Style Linkup!
