My Party Places

Friday, September 16, 2016

I love this product!  I did not even wait for a sale!!!

Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Baked Powder, shade - Highlight-01

It is a natural color with soft matte radiance - just gives a glow without being sparkly.
    I start at the cheekbone and brush down to under the eyes.  Then continue to dab over the upper lip and over the brows.  This is sheer yet build-able silky texture with no dust - super finely milled - this will last as there is no waste.  
Contains Vitamin E (antioxidant that protects skin) and Jojoba oil

And since I am on a Laura Mercier kick - I forgot I had this (too)!!!!!!!!
 Laura Mercier Eye Art Artist's Palette
This set contains:    0.03 oz x 12 in Sparkling Dew, Guava, African Violet, Plum Smoke, Kir Royal, Violet Ink, Vanilla Nuts, Primrose, Fresco, Bamboo, Truffle, Espresso Bean
 The top row is organized into cool colors, while the bottom row is in warm colors.  Both rows are arranged in light to deep shades from left to right.  Great matte colors!
This originally sold out but seems to be back at Sephora but a little higher price.  But still a good value rather than buying the individual eye shadows.
Packaging: magnetic closure with full mirror

I tried these shampoos because they were on sale - of course!

The tsubaki blossom from OGX smells wonderful - but I still needed some conditioner.
The O2 shampoo had a nice clean scent but was too drying for my hair - so I am back to Pantene.

It's that time of year - yum!!!!!
Death by Chocolate coffee (decaf) and choc caramel creamer - of course it would not hurt to add a tablespoon of pumpkin spice flavor!

I think the door wreath is good enough - I might add a few more sprigs but I am happy with the colors so let's call it finished!

Here is a project that we all can get behind:
Help foster care children get off to a good start in the new school year.

In the bag I delivered, I included things like nail polish remover and some nail polishes that I will not use, lotion, shampoo, blush and mascara - things that might be too expensive for the foster families to provide but will be fun extras for a high school girl. I hope it brings a smile to a young lady.
 Fall and Thanksgiving Scenes.
                                Scare the world - Be exactly who you say you are!

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude!  

 ~ All items purchased by me ~
                                          Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here



  1. I enjoy the colors of The Changing Seasons.

  2. Lovely post!!!
    And have a lovely weekend

  3. I love Laura Mercier products
    following you on google + and GFC #285 hope you follow back

    Glamorous without the Guilt

  4. I love the eyeshadow's colors!They look really good!

    If you want us to follow each other, let me know on my blog

  5. Great products! I have a red lipstick from Laura Mercier, I really love it.
    Have a great weekend!
    Xoxo, Victoria

  6. Great post! Those colours look really nice! I followed you, if you have the time, check out my blog! :)

  7. Amazing post

    Love Vikee

  8. Great post!
    You have a nice blog!
    Would you like to follow each other? Let me know on my blog.
    Have a great day!

  9. I love autumn colors ;) and I also love laura mercier! Amaizing stuff ;)

  10. Oh the baked powder looks so excellent, must try. Thanks for linking, xo


  11. That eye artist's palette is gorgeous! It's so hard to find palettes with just matte colors these days. I'm not into sparkle and shimmer so much so that can be a problem. I'm sure the colors look beautiful on.

    1. I am so with you!! The shimmery eye shadows are generally too much - and at my age, I don't want to look ridiculous. You are right - it is hard to find quality matte shadows - I have collected a number of sets in case this sparkly trend continues!
      Thank you for visiting!

  12. Wow the products look soo good ! ♥

    Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn du auch mal bei mir vorbei schaust ♥
    Alles Liebe
    Laura ♥

  13. The eye shadow collect is beautiful. I love those colors this time of year. Thank you for linking up at Dishing it and Digging it link party. We love having you.

  14. Love both Laura Mercier products! I have not tried the powder but really love the color pallete!
    Thanks for linking up with turning heads tuesday
    jess xx

  15. Awesome products ! Love the eyeshadows :)

    Would you like to follow each other? Please let me know on my blog ^^

  16. Great blog.
    I follow you.
    Love, Ana <3

  17. I always learn so much reading your posts. I am bad about not taking enough time for myself. I feel encouraged to do that when I see your pictures, products, and read your advice. Thank you

  18. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

  19. Your salon day sounds like a perfect day! I want to do that too. Very informative post. You are such an expert on make up and skin care products.
