My Party Places

Friday, April 8, 2016

I have to help celebrate one of my favorite brands of hair spray ~ Kenra
 I have various forms of their products and really like Working Spray,
                                                            and Texturizing Mist
All are excellent products that do not get stiff - nice fragrance that goes away quickly & does not conflict with perfume.

I tried a pink & bronze-coppery eye shadow look and I don't care for it - it did not seem to highlight the green in my eyes.  Maybe I should go darker with the crease and shading.

Yes, I will have some syrup to go with my french toast! (lite, of course!)
No, really I only do this once a month - it would be terrible if it should become a habit!!!
I started collecting Pfaltzgraff during the Bicentennial and have almost all the pieces in the Yorktowne series.  They are celebrating 200 yrs of creating durable, classic pieces of dinnerware.  Here is an article that is very informative if you collect any of their lines:
I have considered selling my sets but the family is afraid I will regret it afterwards.  I am sort of leaning to a more basic white dinner pattern but I will just wait.

   Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude!  

 ~ All items purchased by me ~
                                           Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. nice post. great products
    visit my blog

  2. Great post! :D

  3. I usually find it difficult to find a hair spray that doesn't make your hair stiff and heavy. I must try your suggestions. BTW I love your hairstyle and no don't sell the dinner set yet. Sue @Sizzling60 from
    Sizzling Towards Sixty

    1. Sue please come and move in next door!! My best friend moved away and you would be perfect as a BFF!
      Have a great weekend!

  4. Heard about Kenra products, but I've never used them! Think I'm gonna try them out! Thanks for sharing! xoxo

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  5. I collected for years the Phaltzgraff pattern Folk Art. Was obsessed to get each piece I could. Featuring your post on next week's Tuesday Talk.

    1. Thank you - that is so kind! A dear friend collected Folk Art & I have a few pieces - they are so timeless. Have a great weekend!

  6. Dishes- STAY. I am in the same situation as you. I collected, shopped and went to antique stores and collected all the pieces. I even have two of some dishes, but I can't part with them. Even though I've replaced my dinnerware collection I still hang on to these dishes.... love them!!

  7. I too love to wear eye shadow. I will have to try Kenra.
    My daughter has your dishes and loves them. Very striking.

  8. I have nominated you for Liebster Award! xoxo

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  9. Your thoughts on the dishes are exactly like my own! I have a big shelving unit downstairs with a set of the pfaltzgraff dishes in brown, a set of Christmas dishes, and a set of white Martha Stewart ones. Just cannot get rid of them. I only use my pfaltzgraff for Thanksgiving also!! We work so long to collect them but they hold a lot of memories. Keep the dishes.

    1. Thank you Pamela- I also collect Christmas china and most of it has never been used!! Little Grand-daughter has some lovely things coming her way!
      (I am keeping the dishes!!)

  10. Do not get rid of your dinnerware. You have spent too much time collecting it, and it clearly means a lot to you. You can always get a white dinnerware set for everyday or to switch it up, but don't let go of that gorgeous dinnerware that you already have. It's just too pretty. #OverTheMoon

  11. Personally I liked the pink and bronze look on you. I hear you about the green eyes though. I have green as well and have found that bronzes are difficult to make work. My eyes turn golden instead with it. Not my favorite. Thanks for sharing with us at From The Archives Friday

  12. Your dinnerware is so pretty!

    Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


  13. Your pictures look great - I'm sorry you weren't happy with the eye shadow but you look wonderful anyway! The dinnerware is lovely - it's amazing how certain pieces can become so associated with a holiday like that. Thank you for sharing with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop.

  14. I enjoy hearing about products people love. Thanks for sharing!

    Floradise blog

  15. I think your make-up looks great and I love your hair!

  16. I will give that texturizing mist a try! Thanks for adding your style flair to the My Refined Style Linkup.


  17. I do love the makeup colours on you! It looks great and really brings out your eyes. The dish collection is awesome, nice collection you are building.
