My Party Places

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Maybelline New York Lash Sensational Luscious Waterproof Mascara
 I can't do without mascara and I only use waterproof so this new item from Maybelline caught my eye - infused with oils to create soft lashes - there is a curved brush which helps reach from root to tips.  This is black pearl and enhances a soft look to the lashes - this may be a keeper.

Urban Decay has Eyeshadow Primer Potion in the shade of Eden and it is fabulous!
It is a matte finish and stayed that way for over 12 hrs!  It's a nice neutral color and could certainly be used as the eye shadow color alone.  If you use products like Latisse sometimes it causes some redness on the eyelid and this will certainly cover that.
But there is no reason to spend $20 when you can buy Wet nWild Take on the Day Eye Shadow Primer for under $10.  It lasted just as long with no scent and is easy to find.

My blood pressure tends to be wonky so my dr put me on a diuretic and in 2 days I lost 7lbs!!!!!!
I don't generally get crazy about my weight & eat what I want - but now I definitely will not pass up the extra piece of chocolate!

I like bagel crisps and bought this last week - my goodness, they are delicious!!!!!!!!!
The garlic flavor is for real so be sure everyone indulges or they will know you have had garlic!
Today's lunch was easy - cheeseburger wrap with honey mustard dipping sauce.
Hamburger was on sale for $1.99 which I have not seen in over a year - sure would be nice for meat prices to come down at least for a while - I have cosmetics to buy!!!!!!!!

Wow, girl friend needs a haircut!

Please go to this link and meet Nicole - a fashion blogger and brilliant scientist in Alaska!
In this post, she featured several beauty bloggers of diff ages and included me!
Thank you love!
It was very interesting to read what everyone considers important for their daily make up routine.
For me, exfoliation is paramount.
You will enjoy her blog and personal sense of style.

I plan to have a giveaway for eye shadow on March 31 so if you are a follower you have a chance of winning.  I would love to send one to you so start following!
See this link for pictures:

 Pink isn't just a color ~ it's an attitude! 
~All items purchased by me~
                                           Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. Thanks for the mentioning and write a great contribution to my Wednesday post!.

  2. nice blog!:) would you like to follow each other via GFC?? let me know and I follow you back :)

  3. I am so glad to see you at my party again! Mascara, this girl can't wear it anymore due to eye issues. It use to be my go-to along with my lipstick. Now lipstick only. Have a wonderful Sunday. See you this week!

  4. Great post!! <3 Im following you now on GFC <3

  5. So great to see a shout out to Nicole, a very smart fashionista indeed. Thanks for all your tips, xox


  6. The UD Primer Potion is theee best!

  7. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

  8. maybelline mascara is a holy grail! thanks for the post, beautiful!
    keep up the good work.
    kindly visit,

  9. Wow, your blog is amazing! I love it! xx
    Would you like to follow each other? If yes, please follow me on the both of my blogs and let me know in the comments of my newest posts so I can follow you ASAP.

    Vildana from Living Like V (my first outfit post's on my blog) & Stalia Is BAE

  10. I will be happy to follow each other - I could not leave a comment but am following now.
    It is nice to meet and thank you for the lovely comment!
