My Party Places

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Thanksgiving sale at Ulta had some really good buys so this was the order I placed in between basting the turkey!!  My goodies were all in stock so they should show up any day - can't wait!

 Glycolic Fix Exfoliating Facial Pads by Nip + Fab

Platinum Texturizing Mist 6 by Kenra Professional

Shine Spray  by Kenra Professional

 Fast-Dry Hairspray  by Kenra Professional
   Kenra products were available as buy one, get one 50% off - I really like these sprays & hoard them during each sale!  The Shine Spray was only $8.50!

 Bed Head Masterpiece Shine Hairspray & Travel Size
This is normally $23.00 and Ulta had it on sale at $9.99 - it's a great product that I have used for years so I could not let this get away.
 ( A girl in the South cannot have too much hair spray - in its various forms!!!)
I'm good now until the spring collections become available.

Share with us what you ordered!

                                     Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. I have never been to Ulta. It's on my to do list though. Your list may have just inspired me to go this afternoon. Ha! Thanks so much for sharing through Think Tank Thursday.

  2. Great finds! I could spend days at Ulta. They have some fantastic offers and really good products for hair, make-up and everything in between.

    It was lovely to see you on #SHINEbloghop this week. Thanks for sharing this with us :)

  3. Thank you Maria - I always enjoy visiting your blog.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. I would love to hear your review of these items. I like the idea of a texturizing spray.

    Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week.


  5. Hi Alice - I do review the texturizing spray in next week's post.
    (I really like it !!)
    Hope you are having nice weather in Calif!
    All the best, MImi

  6. I barely ever go to Ulta, mostly because I know I would not be able to make it out of there alive :)

    Thanks for joining the Alder Collective link-up!

  7. Looks like you got some great deals on some fabulous products! I got some lovely bonuses with my favourite body moisturizer. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop.

  8. How exciting! Hope you like them all!

  9. I have not heard of these products but they all sound great.
    Thanks for sharing at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

  10. Great deals. I went Black Friday shopping at Kohls the day after and got some great deals; nothing big just stuff we needed.

    I came over from Grand Social and am happy to find your blog.

    1. Hi Kay - thank you for visiting.
      I also like Kohls & buy clothes for
      the grandchildren there all the time.
      I recently found some frames for my pictures at
      Kohls & with the various discounts, they were less
      than half off! Got to love that!
      All the best to you. Mimi

  11. Isn't shopping at Ulta (online or in store) the best? I love it! Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday!

  12. That shine spray looks like it's right up my alley!

  13. Popping over from Brag About It to thank you for linking up with us this week. Love hearing about the products and deal you find! Hope you are having an excellent week!

  14. Great haul! I don't have any hair but I love Nip and Fab products #brilliantblogposts

  15. Looks like you found some great deals! Thanks for linking up!
    Jeans and a Teacup
