My Party Places

Saturday, August 22, 2015

I am always a little sad when school starts back because I cannot get the grands any time I want - the school schedule interferes with Mimi time!!
But I enjoy taking them for their back to school hair cuts - thank you Miss Dawn:
                                    I Love You to the Moon and Back Again

My precious GS had a wonderful Jurassic World birthday - I can't believe he is 10 & in 6 short years he will be driving - I want my baby back!!!!!
I have enjoyed every moment of his life and cannot imagine the world without him.
Little sister helped decorate the cake - always use white t-shirts when little ones are playing with icing - it can be bleached out!

I am liking this plum color of polish - it will be a nice fall color.
This is Revlon's Up The Ante Colorstay Gel Envy - I wash my hands a lot and this is holding up to heavy use. I plan to add some more colors when they go on sale.

The leaves up here are already turning to bright yellow - fall is my favorite time of year and the temps are more comfortable.
                                Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here 


  1. Your grandkids are adorable and I love your nail polish color!

  2. I'm delighted to of come across your blog today. Your grandkids are beautiful & you sound like such a wonderful lady! The cake your GC worked on turned out awesome. I'm actually quite jealous :-X Ha!

    Have a fantastic day!

  3. Pretty polish color! Love the cake!

  4. Summer did seem to go so fast for the grandchildren & summer vacation. Mine are all so active in sports it is very hard to see them except at games!! Love the nail polish too.

  5. Fun pics of the kiddos getting their hair cut for back to school. I love the nail polish color, such a beautiful shade of purple.
    Thanks for linking up with us.

  6. Love the cake! Going to show it to my sister-in-law. She has a son that is obsessed with dinosaurs and this looks like a great simple idea.

  7. Such a pretty fall color - hope the kids have a great school year! #HighLatitideStyleLinkup

  8. The cake looks great and loving your mani!

    Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you Thursday.


  9. So many lovely things here. Those back to school haircuts are precious traditions.

    I love that cake! So well done!

    That colour of nail polish is gorgeous too.

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely week.
