My Party Places

Sunday, June 7, 2015

I found these at Lands End in XS Petite - I think they will be super practical for summer. (The pictures are from the LE website)  
Another person asked if I color my hair - No I don't  but it does appear to be different colors - lighting & flashes make all the difference.  This is the color Mother Nature gave me after breast cancer and I like it since I was born with this color.
But I do think I should wear more color around my face and apparently more make up!
This grey makes my appearance too washed out.  Maybe if I had used more silver  jewelry........

One of the 'funnest' recipes to put together during this time of year is trail mix - I generally like everything that is put in it:
White & choc chips, peanut butter chips, all color raisins, dried cranberries, peanuts, cashews, almonds and Brazil nuts usually whatever is on hand!

This week I have to drive Mr. for Forty years for a liver biopsy -I am accustomed to being poked & prodded but he is not so I have let him have control of the TV this weekend - a rare event!!!!!!!
                            Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. The pants you ordered are nice for summer. I love your hair style & color! The trail mix looks nice too.

  2. Your hair is gorgeous! Thanks for linking up with Visible Monday, xo.

  3. I'm a natural hair convert myself and I think yours looks lovely! I think those pants will be perfect for spring and summer, they'd go with everything.

  4. Your hair is beautiful. I love the color. I am a Lands End fan too. Have your ever tried their swimsuits? They are fantastic! Hope all goes well for Mr. for Forty.
    Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse

  5. I think pastels are great colors for you.

  6. I would totally go gray if I knew it would look like yours...such a beautiful shade of gray. You don't need to change a thing, such a pretty lady!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  7. Beautiful hair!

    Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week.

