My Party Places

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Since I am dealing with kidney stones, the Princess has been helping:
She is almost 5 ~ where did the time go? (The front of her jammy top reads:
"I don't need a prince"~ It's soooo her!
I have enjoyed the pink & cream color scheme for a while now but I am thinking next year should be a change - but  I am not sure which colors to go with - I know red & green would not be for me but maybe a burgundy & cream color (with gold accents?) - it would not be a big departure but just different enough to keep me from being bored.
GD had not seen the Dakin & Gund bears before so of course she thinks they are for her (they are! ~ though when I bought these long ago she was just a twinkle in my eye).
Ok Santa, I think we are ready!

 This just came in my email-Tarte's 2015 Spring collection & I love matte eye shadow so I am very interested in this.....I think.  At first sight, the colors seem dark for spring but I will go into the store for an up-close look: 
tarte - Tartelette Amazonian Clay Matte Eyeshadow PaletteUsually I am all over a limited edition but I think I will have to pass on this - I am wanting lighter, pastel colors.
It will be hard to beat this year's Tarte Mattenificent Palette: 
But I love seeing new things so they have my interest!

Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. I love the MATTEnificent palette, too. It's been a while since I got it out -- I should do that! I agree about the 2015 version -- a touch too dark and/or dupe-able.

    1. Hi Susan! As you can see I have not used the
      MATTEnificent palette but I just love looking at the
      beautiful case it came in - I should have kept the box
      as it is selling for over $100!
      We have a great eye for color!
      Happy holidays!

  2. Love the makeup palette! Thank you for joining the Trendy Wednesday link up.


  3. Hope you feel better... that palette does look a bit dark for Spring, I would have to pass, too! Your little tree helper is too cute and my daughter would def. wear a shirt like that, too!

  4. Trust you will be feeling better soon. Never had that problem but understand it is painful. Love your tree and the little one.

  5. I had a kidney stone back in 2008, and it was the worst night of my life (hospital took 8 HOURS to get me any sort of painkiller). It took me two weeks to recover - I hope your recovery is much speedier!

  6. Pretty tree, and that little pixie is adorable! Hope you are feeling up to snuff by the holidays.

  7. Your tree is beautiful, as well as that lil darling standing by it.
    Cute jammie top too. Hope you pass those stones quickly and get
    to feeling better. I hear it is awful passing stones........praying for you.
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. My mother had kidney stones too last year, she got it removed. I hope you recover soon & your grand daughter is such a cutie. Amazing post & would you like to follow each other on GFC, Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme know & lets keep in touch!


    1. I am happy to follow each other - thank you for visiting -
      wishing you much happiness in the new year.

  9. Oh sorry about the kidney stone - hope you are better very soon! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xox.

  10. Ooooh, I've heard kidney stones are rough. Hope it goes away soon. The tree is gorgeous and the eyeshadow looks lovely.

  11. Love those eyeshadows! I also prefer matte shades. I feel like it's hard to find a whole set of all mattes so I might have to get this one!

    Thrift and Shout

  12. I hope you are feeling better. Your daughter is way too precious!


  13. Beautiful tree and cute little princess : )
    I hope you are through with your kidney stone ordeal.
    God bless,

  14. Love the tree, we need to get o the ball! Too cute her standing by the tree, Sorry about the kidney stones, my hubby has had them several times and I know they are miserable. Take care of yourself
    from the link up
    please stop by, jess xx

  15. Decorating with kidney stones!?! You deserve a medal. Thank you for sharing the pink goodiness with Make it Monday.
