My Party Places

Saturday, November 29, 2014

I am a collector of a variety of things including china, silver and of course, shoes!
But one of my greatest loves is the Dept 56 holiday pieces.  I so look forward to the GD  having these in her home:

These are pieces I do not mind if GD plays with; I want her to learn to be gentle with her future heirlooms.

This time of year starts me thinking about editing - which usually causes me to find items I have not used in a while~I like this journey necklace but have not worn it in over a year:
I need to go thru more things but I normally wait until the new year:
But this photo made me go in search of this blue topaz necklace:
I am not tan - just a low light flash!  I need to wear & enjoy my stuff - 
this year was the 60th birthday so time is marching on!!
Do you plan to take inventory in the new year & find some new "old" things?
Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. The blue topaz necklace is a treasure - so beautiful. I do take inventory a couple of times a year - January is a good time to do it, I think. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday!

  2. I am seeing a ton of that Dept. 56 stuff coming through the thrift shops now.

    Happy upcoming 60th!!!

  3. Love both of those necklaces! I always try to clean out my closet and drawers and I usually find things I forgot about!

  4. Hello! I love the necklace, topaz, and I wish I would have gotten into Dept 56 early on. I dnt own any , but my mother in law has a big collection she displays each year. Love it!
    from the link up,
    please stop by, jess xx

  5. That necklace is gorgeous!!

