My Party Places

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I have tried some new products that I like enough to keep in rotation:
The Bamboo Volume Spray by Alterna smells very nice and is great for fine hair.  The L'oreal Volume Filler is  a gel that thickens the hair ~ just a little product worked well.
I have not tried the eye lining tool yet as I am not sure where I put it!!!
I recently tried Dr. Jart Pore Medic Derma@Home Peeling. It's a thermal crystal scrub and 2 step process that only takes a few minutes.  It is a nice facial and I alternate it with a peel during the month:
I also use derma-abrasion crystals in the shower for all over skin renewal.
Battling wrinkles is a full time job!
This week has been difficult migraine-wise but a short review is better than nothing new to report.  I have some other new products to share once I feel well enough to try them out.  Have you tried something new that thrilled you?  Tell me about it!
                           Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here


  1. I have sensitive skin, so I can't due all of the peels and such, but I use Freeman's Facial Mask in avacado and cucumber from Amazon. It is great for getting rid of dead skin. I appreciate your hints on nail polish and skin care too.
    from the link up, jess
    please stop by,

    1. I know you are having great weather at the lake ~ I haven't been in months & miss it!
      I will be over to visit your site as soon as my head stops being a monster!!

  2. I enjoy reading your posts about all of the products you use and try! I am just starting my journey on battling wrinkles and it is not fun! I loved the wipe from Philopsopy Microdelivery peel that you sent me in the mail! Tempted to buy it now... goodness some of that stuff can be pricey, tho! They know they have us! ;)

  3. hello dear!! such a wonderful blog!!! all your posts are very interesting! i ' m following you from now on via gfc! hope you ll visit mine and follow me too! kisses!:)
