My Party Places

Monday, July 14, 2014

I love all of you enough to nag - take osteoporosis seriously.  I have broken a bone somewhere for the past couple of years.  Please take this health threat seriously - I don't like milk but I should have been more conscious about my calcium intake when I was younger.  Take care of yourself because I want you around for a long time!

I recently realized I did not buy anything significant in clothing this summer.  Of course, healing from broken bones made shopping fairly impossible but there did not seem to be anything dynamic this season.  Here in the South summer means I am either hot or cold;  I have kept long sleeves going for the entire year, so far.  But hopefully we will have a cooling period this week & I am looking forward to the temporary change.

But at least with accessories, we can change the look of an outfit very quickly - here are some of my pieces that I use frequently:

I love the 2 tone San Marco bracelet and of course, I never get tired of sapphires!
An omega necklace can be used for casual wear or dressed up - I use the silver & gold almost every week so they are good investment pieces.

I don't feel great so I am off to rest - take care & I hope you have a nice week.


  1. Thanks for sharing your good advice, and lovely jewelry, with Visible Monday!

  2. Thank you for sharing your accessory favourites with us. Do take care of yourself, okay?

  3. Thank you for visiting - as a daily migraineur,
    there are weeks that I don't get out, so it is
    wonderful to be able to stay in touch with
    All the best to everyone!

  4. Beautiful jewellery. I agree that accessories can make an outfit look entirely different.

    I'm wishing you the best, hope you'll feel better quickly!

    isa |

  5. Sorry you're feeling weary, so get lots of rest and do what it takes to truly care for yourself! Love your taste in jewelry ... of course! Pretty ... I especially like the very heavy and modern looking chain pieces!

  6. I love all of the jewelry. They are all very beautiful. :)
