My Party Places

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I found this ribbon in shades of the 2014 Color of the Year & I think this will be lovely on this year's Christmas tree.  It will give a refreshing pop of color - after all, it's only 290 days until Christmas!
  The interesting thing is that I bought this ribbon well over a year ago - long before Pantone decided on the Color of the Year - maybe they will check with me later this year to see what I think will be the Color of the Year for 2015!!!  But I could live with Radiant Orchid for a long time.

So many of my favorite bloggers are showing great outfits & I appreciate the opportunity to link up, but no one wants to see my pajamas, which is all that is accommodating my broken back.  I am ready to wear something else but I still have to rest flat on my back all during the day.  So I am trying to entertain my wonderful readers with other things: makeup, jewelry, shoes & a cute granddaughter!

I am so loving this shoe!

Charles David 'Passion' Pointy Toe Pump   $249.95

    • 4" heel (size 8 1/2).
    • Suede or leather upper/leather lining and sole.
    • By Charles David; made in Spain.
 But I have to say as I look at some outfits featuring torn jeans & high heels - this is not really an original look since every 20-something is doing it.  I don't know what happened but dressing in a pretty way has disappeared.

For those of you in my generation, James Taylor is coming for 2 shows in NC.  I remember seeing him in concert when I was 16 - and he was cute as a button -
oh, and the concert was good too!!  As a daily migraineur, concerts are impossible for me but it brings back nice memories that he is returning to his roots  ( his dad was a prof at UNC). Welcome back, Sweet Baby James!
James Taylor
James Taylor - Columbia.jpg
Taylor in late 1970s

Be sure to visit us gals at
It really is a fun site!


  1. I saw JT when I was about 16, too, and have loved him ever since. His music just makes me happy. Love those great flats! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, and I hope you're feeling better very soon.

  2. My husband loves JT...really any acoustic guitar player! The flats are super cute! Enjoyed my visit to your blog and I hope you are well very soon!

  3. Love those flats!!
    That ribbon will look wonderful on your tree this year. :D


  4. I love the colour of those flats. I much prefer flats to heels and I am a 20 something year old! Haha
    Renee x

    1. Your blog is cute & so are the baby steps-
      I love your weather - we are still having ice!

  5. I cant wait untill winter. I am sick of the summer. Hahaa

  6. Yes, I totally get what a woman can go through for the right shoes. These are very cute. I'm a little resistant to purple as it seems redheads are expected to wear it, but this shade is a pretty good one for me, and I may succumb!

  7. Hope your back heals fast! I adore that you used the phrase, "cute as a button" hehe I have to say, last year's color of the year was SO much better than this years ;) I have always been partial to green. Thanks so much for linking up with The Collective for March, hope to see you back again for April!

  8. I adore that you have a countdown to Christmas! I LOVE* Christmas!!! Also, I love James Taylor, my aunt always used to play his music when I was younger and I got hooked!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Fab Favorites!


  9. You can spend time planning how fabulous you will look when you are well and sound again! I know that rings hollow, but there's something to be said for planning. Pamper your pretty self ... we'll be wanting to know what you decided about your future wardrobe during your down time!
    I'm encouraged that there may be pretty dressing again with delicate shoes again in vogue, midi and fuller skirts, luxe fabrics and pastels all over the place! You, in your blonde fairness, will look killer in pastels ... jammies are great in mint! Or pink, or blush, or blue! Actually, pajama dressing is a trendy look you could completely rock right now!
    Hope your weather and health improve very fast!
